Talk to me until your hearts content
A boy called Atticus
Speak to me in secrecy
Befriend me

Layout by Lameface.
Image found onTumblr

About me
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My name is Atticus and I know it's a weird name but I think pronouncing it should be easy. I'm horrid at introductions, just saying. I'm that one shy kid in the class who won't talk to anyone unless spoken too. I'm that hyper-active kid who practically lives off of candy. I'm a bookworm and I have an unhealthy obsession with Owls (so when I found this layout I spent 10 minutes doing my version of a happy dance) and I think Foxes are adorable :3 I'm just a kid disguised in a 16-year-olds body. So, I love to blow bubbles like spongebob, climb trees (although I faceplant half the time) and play on the swings. I'm the boy people prefer to as "adorable" or a "baby boy" although I strongly disagree with it .__. But I'm fun loving and when I am with people I know, I go crazy. I'm their source of entertainment. I like boys more than girls although a lot of people don't know it yet...All in all, I'm broke, but not broken.
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