So Long Gorgeous... / Comments

  • flyers

    flyers (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the comment :)
    April 9th, 2011 at 01:39am
  • moribund

    moribund (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Gerard hasn't changed; he's still a ghost. Difference is that Mikey now has Frank's powers so can see ghosts. Thanks for reading btw ^-^
    March 13th, 2011 at 04:17pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! The more we learn about each other the more awesome I believe. I will not explain drugs anymore! Now I know you are on the level. I haven't done ANYTHING in a while dude. I just don't have the money any more. It sort of came down to reefer or a place to live for me and I chose the latter. Then after I quit, I was just kind of like... Let's see how long I can keep it up! And now I been sober (Well I still drink) for a while now. Its kind of boring. I miss it. But I just don't have the means to do it anymore... I also quit eating meat. Its like now the way I enjoy life is by taking vices away from myself... Its pretty weird dude. Enjoy being young! Because growing up sucks! Trust me! Hahahaha!
    March 4th, 2011 at 12:01am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hahahahahaha!!!!! Okay! So we're kindred spirits just a little bit! Yes! Don't let your life revolve around reefer dude. Its the mistake I made. I would smoke a half-O in a week... by myself... I was semi ridiculous. I will admit I never did coke. My reasoning? I hung out with some dudes my first time around it and they shot me with a dart gun. I vowed to never get that stupid. Hahaha! I did Aderol once, (Which if you don't know, its basically speed unless you have Bipolar or Hyper active attention deficit... One of the two) I took eight at once... Which is the WORST thing you can ever do. I talked NON STOP for eight hours. I admitted things you should never admit to people... It was bad... But funny to reflect upon. I did acid a few times... It just sort of makes you go crazy unless you take a whole bunch. I did mushrooms twice... One time I went into work still tripping on them... Don't do that, its not fun... Uhm... What else did I do? I was a hardcore stoner. Admitted. But! I stand by my advice... Then again, you're young, have fun while you can. Just don't go too crazy dude. I know people that are lost causes now to stuff like that. I wasn't much of a drinker back in the day either homey. Now I drink on occasion. Sort of an acquired thing I guess... And here all this time I thought you were the good girl homey! I had you pegged all wrong! I'm always afraid I'll scare people off with my past craziness. Hahaha! BE SAFE! Hahahahaha!!!! You're awesome. It makes me laugh. Can't help but love it. Now you'll have to read that story and see my glimpse into the Ohio stoner life... With crazy twists that probably could never happen. Lol!
    March 2nd, 2011 at 12:46am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Well, don't hold it against me, but when I was in high school I was a huge pot head. I used to skip eating lunch and save all my money from it to buy weed for the weekend. I used to come home stoned out of my mind... I did a few other things I'm not exactly proud of too. I will just say, weed is sort of a gateway drug. Like I said, don't hold it against me, I was young and dumb. It all finally caught up to me after I graduated. My dad caught me like two or three times. The funny thing is I had to move out on my own to realize how stupid I was. BUT! Finally I did! And I'm the person I am today because of it. The moral of this story, don't do drugs. Nothing good comes of it. You're probably a lot smarter than me and I'm sure you stay the hell away from all that... But I can't help but offer this advice as a guy who's been there, done that. If any good came of it, it inspired this new story I just wrote, which I love. I'm gonna wait till around St. Patrick's Day to post that one, seeing as its based on that day... So this is the wisdom I bestow upon you homey! Believe me! You are probably much better than I was... At least you seem like you are. Lol!
    March 1st, 2011 at 03:30pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Haha! Dude! Believe me! I've been there. And you're not half as crazy as I was as a kid... At least I don't think you are. But these things happen. Part of growing up is realizing adults aren't perfect either... I heard that somewhere, and I'll be damned if I can remember where. I like that quote though. Someday you'll be thankful for all of it... But right now, trust me, I understand its not easy dude. Lol!
    February 28th, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Eesh! That sucks dude. These things happen when you live with someone. I'm older now and my parents don't bother me. I'm pretty self sufficient though, so that's probably why... But as you get older, that will get better. I know this. Once you're on your own and kickin it, you'll look back on stuff and sort of miss it. I know that sounds totally crazy, but its true. People told me the same thing and I was always sort of like BULL SHIT! But its true. But for now, I feel for ya homey. Hang in there kid! That's all ya can do!
    February 28th, 2011 at 02:48pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! Yea the show I'm going to is sold out now. It was sold out in two weeks I guess. Me and my sister bought tickets the second day they were out. And my sister and our friend (The girl who is Jessie in the story) have plans of waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning to stand in line! They are INSANE! But I gotta respect it. Yea, my sister is 17 too, and she's lucky as hell to have me as a brother so I can convince my parents to let her go. Its crazy that we both like the same things for the most part too. It works out for both of us. Drama free... Hmm... Well I got in a car wreck the other day! That was not so drama free! This girl rammed me in the back doin God knows how fast and then pushed me into an oncoming delivery truck. It was brutal, but I'm hardcore and lived through it. Didn't even go to the hospital. Just busted my lip up and got a few bruises. If you seen the car I was in, you'd be like HOLY FUCK! trust me, its that bad. Other than that, no drama. Lol! No lucky ladies either... If you could call them lucky. Haha! My life is pretty boring. I go to work, come home and then write for a while until I get tired... Now I have to go car shopping soon. That should be fun. How you been homey?
    February 26th, 2011 at 05:48pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! Dude! I am fearing that emo fest! I'm going to see MCR in April when they come to Cleveland. My sister and my friend are ridiculous fans and I promised I'd take them. My sister has a DVD of theirs memorized line for line... Its seriously ridiculous dude. I don't hold a candle to either of them. In May I'm going to see Rise Against, and next sunday, I'm going to see Glassjaw, which is my obsessive band. I cannot fucking wait for that dude! As far as the other thing you mentioned, I've only done that once or twice. Usually it ends up that I just thought it. I always have this thing where I can't remember if I said something in real life or in a dream. Then I have to sit there and think about it. Its pretty crazy and sometimes I get it wrong. Lol
    February 25th, 2011 at 01:14am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Haha! Dude, for most kids, one page is a lot of writing. Its not easy for most people to write any sort of story. I'm sure your teacher had this in mind... But I'm with you I think its impossible. I started this short story about St. Patrick's Day (I'm gonna write a story based on every holiday) and I haven't even got into the main story parts at all. Its almost four pages, and by the end it'll be way longer. You should go to a concert and get your ass kicked! Its so much fun! Lol, just make sure its a band you love and do it! Its like a religious experience. I live for it! And you're not stupid, I've done that exact same thing multiple times dude. lol I think I reply to things all the time.
    February 20th, 2011 at 09:51pm
  • casual affair

    casual affair (100)

    United States
    WHOAA. Ricky I remember, but I don't ever remember hearing about a Marus! x)
    Oh, I need some catching up.
    I'll message the number to you right now!
    February 19th, 2011 at 05:11pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    I would be interested to read your English paper. It sounds pretty cool. especially for an English paper. Lol, dude! Don't worry about telling me about that stuff! I'm open to anything! I'm glad to hear it made you feel better. That's a very good thing dude. What does not kill us, makes us stronger. Uh... what's up with me? I went to a concert the other night. It was pretty bad ass. Got my ass kicked. (Not literally, just it was brutal in a beautiful way.) Seen Underoath, Thursday, and A Skylit Drive. All of which were bad ass. Started writing a story with a girl on here. Its shaping up pretty good. Finished a few chapters in other projects. Writing my ass off and being very entertained. Wrote an 8 minute bass line that sounds like a Rush song according to my sister. That made me laugh. Other than that, ain't a damn thing changed. How's it crackin in yo neck of the woods pimp?... That sounds like a thugged out Al Roker right there. Lol
    February 14th, 2011 at 05:44am
  • casual affair

    casual affair (100)

    United States
    That's good!
    Aha, I remember last talking to you, you were with that one guy, don't remember his name haha
    I can't believe it's been that long!!
    crazy, we were so close haha
    February 13th, 2011 at 06:39am
  • casual affair

    casual affair (100)

    United States
    freaking months! maybe even a year!? damn.
    I've been good. Lately at least. :)
    What about you!?
    February 10th, 2011 at 03:35am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Sweetness! You guys get your own laptops in school? Damn! We were lucky to have 10 year old macintoshes. They were awful! All of em had dial up connections!... It would be like the end of the world if that happened now. People would commit mass suicide if they had to wait 5 minutes for a website to load. Lol, awesome though! You found a loophole in the system! Which is what my friend Alex did in China. Mibba isn't blocked there either... So basically I just said your school is like communist China... That's pretty awesome of me. Enjoy yourself! Eat cafeteria food in my honor! Lol... I was just trying to think of something strange and I believe I succeeded.
    February 8th, 2011 at 03:54pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Whoops! I meant Jem... Yea my ass for some reason replaced a crappy singer/songwriter with Jem. Yea. As soon as I read that I went... Duh. Anywho! You guys got snow! We get snow all the time, but I heard Texas got snow. You guys don't handle it so well either. Lol, we get five inches and its not too big a deal. You guys get it and there's like riots on the streets. Lol! Sorry, I have to laugh a little. Has that ever happened before there? Anyways, glad you got to kick it wit yo homey during it all. That's always a good thing... Wait you don't see any snow?... EVEN BETTER! Lol you got a free few days off. Pretty bad ass if you ask me. Congrats! I got snowed in the other day... Well more like iced in. We had like 2 inches of ice and then snow on top of it... Pretty brutal. But I got out of work because of it... So that was cool. And that's been it... Again, my life is pretty damn boring. Lol
    February 8th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • casual affair

    casual affair (100)

    United States
    Wooooow. :|
    It's been a whilee.
    February 6th, 2011 at 06:27am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    YES! How can you not own Fight Club!? I 100 percent agree! Have no worries about the responses dude. I understand how things can be sometimes. My mom has a facebook, and I'm thankful she doesn't have a clue how to use it. You might feel a little different at 18, and a little bit more at 21. After that I think they all start to seem the same. I know jewel was late 80s, and I agree the 90s were pretty awesome. You were born a year after my little sister. I started working on a new story. It'll be up pretty soon. Its related to this other one I started on here a while back. Its going to be epic once they're all together and up. I'm excited about it. My brain needs a break from zombies on occasion. But I will update that one soon too. Writing this other stuff sort of helps my brain. Well that's whats new with me. (I know my life is pretty uneventful. Lol) What's new wit chu pimp?
    February 5th, 2011 at 12:44am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! I should mention almost everything you mentioned there was from the 90's. Street Sharks! Holy shit! I forgot about them! Sorry this is sort of a late reply. I just been... Lazy and busy at the same time... If that makes any sense. Oh, you mentioned being a nerd, you're talking to a huge one so, have no fear dude. Glad your birthday was good my friend! We don't have a 59 Diner here! If we do... I have no idea where it is! Might be in Toledo or Cleveland but I don't frequent those cities enough to know... Huh... I've run out of stuff to say... Started reading a book for the first time in a while. Its awesome, and teaches me things no person should probably ever want to know. Its called Haunted: A Novel. Its by Chuck Palahnuik who also wrote Fight Club... If you've never seen that movie, I recommend it highly. Its name does not do it justice... That's pretty much what's new with me I suppose... How are you? How does it feel to be 17?... Just like it felt to be 16? Lol
    January 30th, 2011 at 08:38pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Happy Birthday!... wait... Its today right?... Happy birthday even if its not! Mibba on the phone is still a bastard! I look forward to the long version as always.
    January 28th, 2011 at 02:06am