Pyrocity / Comments

  • swell

    swell (150)

    Why hello there. Brandon, is it? It's Alex here (no need to worry, I am a female. Of the Australian kind) to come to embarass you. I mean, harass you. See, I have nothing really to do right now and I love harassing people.

    SOO. Because I'm never going to get these answers out of Blair, (or I might, but cbf asking them right now), how did you meet her? Doesn't she have the best wit/sarcasm? From 1 to all the Victoria Secret models, how beautiful is she? How long have you guys been together? Am I going to be one of the god mothers of your children? CAN I BE THE PRIEST at the wedding? OMG that would make my night. My year, really.

    I was going to ask much more personal questions that Blair failed to answer (of the sexual kind, it's how I roll), but maybe for another time. If you ever respond to this message.

    THIS won't be my last, btw. I'm not really sure how long I've known Blair (more than a year, maybe two? Shit I gotta ask her) but I do know if you fuck her over, I'll fuck you over. And I'm pretty sure everyone else here who's commented will too :D Okay, have a nice day :)
    October 1st, 2011 at 08:10am
  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)

    So, you're Blairykins' boyfriend? Refer to her as it, it'll be fantastic; the revolution begins now. [I'm sorry Blair, considering you're undoubtedly reading this..]

    I should probably introduce myself - I'm Rachel and I'm wrapped around the little finger of Blair's profile (it tells me to comment, I comment). What can I say, you have a very special lady calling you sweetheart.. :D
    September 21st, 2011 at 12:04am
  • permanentdeclaration

    permanentdeclaration (100)

    United States
    And......first harassment starts NOW.

    Hello, I'm Katelyn. I've known your girlfriend for over three years. We met through this lovely site, and I pretty much adore her (as I'm sure you do, too).

    I saw that she posted on her profile to come harass you and since I do pretty much everything she says (she's persuasive, what can I say?) I decided to come on here and "harass you".

    Blair has only told me good things about you. I believe I told her, quote, "I accept." That's what friends do, right, tell their friends when they like the guy/girl their friend is with or not? So yes, I accept her choice of you.

    Also, I fucking love your username. (And Blair, if you're reading this, which I bet you are because you want to see which of your friends will harass your boyfriend, yes, I [i]did[/i] just use the f-bomb ;D)
    September 2nd, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • the comedy of errors

    the comedy of errors (100)

    United States
    Well, hey there. Fancy seeing you here! I love you, sweetheart. [: Now that you have pretty much the only thing I keep private within reach, you should feel special; because you are.

    P. S. Prepare to have the ever-living fuck harassed out of you. Because it's going to happen.
    September 1st, 2011 at 07:23am