silver sinew / Comments

  • Thank you. And no, I didn't do it-- my friend Dimli did; she's awesome. X)
    Your profile is pretty sweet too. :)
    September 13th, 2011 at 03:42am
  • haha, no it's cool.
    it cleared it up for me. :]
    so i'd be a junior in america?
    September 12th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • yup, it does.
    bunch of coursework = no life.
    senior is like sixth form, right? o:
    September 10th, 2011 at 11:19pm
  • yeah that's true.
    I only have one year left! Luckily.
    September 10th, 2011 at 10:54pm
  • haha it already feels like it's been ages. l:
    aw, poor you. aha.
    what year are you in?
    September 10th, 2011 at 09:29pm
  • i know right?
    I started school three days ago, & i already have a shitload of homework. xD
    it does suck.
    September 10th, 2011 at 04:38pm
  • No problem.
    How are you? x3
    September 5th, 2011 at 02:38pm
    September 5th, 2011 at 05:50am
  • Nope, sometimes I like crying on purpose. I donno. xD But I do like romances and stuff, like what you said. Except not horrors. They freak me out too much. Nightmares like a little girl. LOL. I don't think I've ever sobbed over a movie? I got called heartless in eighth grade when we were finally graduating because everyone was crying and was feeling like shit. I was perfectly fine. I actually didn't care. I think it was because eighth grade was a terrible year. The best year of middle school was seventh.

    Nah, it's okay. I ramble too. This one guy, Ashton, I met on here, I met like their whole group of friends. They all live in Ireland, but I met one girl, then her friend eventually boyfriend/husband/babydaddy, that guy's little brother, and the brother's boyfriend who turned out to be Ashton. Well, I used to be close to them all on here until it left me and Ashton talking instead of the others. We're like rambling buddies. LOL. We just go off to each other about stories and stuff. It's great. But I haven't talked to him for like all summer. D: And now I can't because his laptop fell down the stairs and he's back in Ireland now and erg. xD Okay. I'm done.

    I KNOW. I go to the library just to find some cute books and all that's there are vampires and wolves. Like, I'm sick of it, I don't want to read it anymore. D: I don't enjoy the twi-hard fans though. I didn't even see the movie, except for the first one. o;

    Aw, that sucks. I hate that. When guys are assholes. I'm starting to believe, it's just when they're with their friends though. Like some of the biggest assholes, aren't assholes at all when you talk to them by yourself.

    YES. And then the liquid concealer doesn't really cover it up because you still see the bumps on their face and it just looks icky. I don't know how that's attractive at all. Or when they dye their hair, and then their hair just looks greasy all the time because of it like at the roots. Nasty. And it's all fragile and thin and D:

    Yeah, we have a little more than 4,000 too. Tuesday's my first day. .-. You started like two-three weeks ago, right? Two of my friends moved down to Florida recently. Really? That's so cool. Smarty pants. o; I'm in Honors English? Ahah. Yeah, I don't think we have programs like that, though. I notice it everywhere. D: It's terrible really. But eh, what can you do about it?
    I hope the same will go for me... Ahah. I want friends! xD
    September 5th, 2011 at 05:50am
    September 5th, 2011 at 05:12am
    September 5th, 2011 at 05:03am
  • O: OHMYGOD. xD sfsadf. You're the first person I've met that actually does that too. I told my best friend, and she just looked at me like, o.o what do you do? xD I just feel like making myself cry sometimes. Like those chick flicks. I'm a sucker for them. Maybe it's just to feel something, I don't really know.

    Yeah, I know what you're saying, but it just reminded me of it... xD But i'm guilty. I do like Twilight. Not to the point where I was obsessed with it or whatever, but I thought the books were decent enough.

    Oh gosh. That's awkward. xD Nah, that never happened to me. But I had this one guy who I was really close with in sixth and seventh grade. And in seventh grade, this girl kept asking everyone else and the guy, but not me, if we liked each other. And he was like, one of my best friends for those two years since we had classes together and he hated the rest of the girls in our class. And most of the guys too. They were all just annoying and he'd complain to me about them. Those were good years. I was the only girl who talked to all the guys and we had good times. But yeah. Nah, other than that, nothing with boys ever happens to me. .-.

    And I hate, when it's two different colors. When your neck is a different color from your face because you want your face to look more tan. I just think if they think we're all stupid and blind. And when the makeup isn't smooth and it's just globs. Ew, that disgusts me. D:

    Yeah, my birthday's at the end of October, so I miss the cut off. .-. I do that to the people who annoy me sometimes. xD Oh. Well, maybe it's just here. It's a small town. All urging to be in the popular group. Everyone knows everyone, unless you're not apart of the everyone- which is the populars. xD When they wear makeup, I feel like all the guys think they're hot. Ahah. But yeah, I don't know anyone in my classes when I went to orientation. It kind of sucked. I came from a different middle school than most of them, not even the friends I knew I had classes with them. -.- Just my luck.
    September 5th, 2011 at 05:02am
    ME TOO. xD
    September 5th, 2011 at 04:39am
  • That was longer than I intended. Sorry. D:
    September 5th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Really? I feel like going there now. I donno, this is going to sound really bad, but sometimes, I just get the urge to read such a good love story with fights and being cute that a few tears shed. LOL I'm a freak. Don't mind me.

    YEAH. Like the ones where the girl's dad is abuse and comes after her and the whole story is based on the guy staying with her and trying to keep her safe and hiding her and finding her again and all this stuff where, it's just repetitive and goes nowhere at all.
    Yes. This one nerdy kid. kinda weird, but the sweetest kid wrote in my yearbook in like, sixth grade asking if I would go out with him the next year. He was on my bus and in a few of my classes too, but he never asked me in person. Thank god for that. I'd feel so bad. He's still on my bus and in one of my classes this year. He's in my Latin class, what a coincidence.

    I'd prefer to wear like, a little mascara. It might be my imagination, but I feel like my eyes look bigger and more noticeable then. xD But other than that, and chapstick if you consider that makeup? I don't really want to wear any. Especially with the girls pounding on mountains of makeup on their face at school. I'd rather not be like them. It makes you get wrinkles and look older a lot quicker.

    I'll be fifteen in October, so I'm a freshy. Shh though. I usually don't tell people my actual age on the internet. Usually, I tell them seventeen ish. Give or take a year. Ahah. Exactly. I don't really hang out with guys unless one of my friends have a party or something, or it's at school. But that's it,really. Just because of my mom. I don't enjoy most girls at my school, fully at least. They're all the same. They all look the same, put their makeup on the same, dress the same. Eh. Ahah.
    September 5th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • Yaay. You better tell me, fer real. Ahah. xD
    Exactly! And then if I do like them, I have no guts and I just gush about them the whole time and talk to them, but that's it. And I never think they like me back, because well. Nothing ever happens.
    I'm a virgin of everything, concerts, boyfriend, kiss. LOL. What a sad life I have. My mom left a few days ago so she won't be here when I start school and before she left, she's like, school's starting, don't go getting a boyfriend now. -_- Rule is, no boyfriend until I'm 21, but since my birthday's at the end of october, preferably 22, when I get out of college. Same goes for makeup, 21.
    .-. I'm rambling now. I'll stop. c;
    September 5th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • YES! Ahah.
    Tell me when you find those. LOL.
    I'm a hopeless romantic. No matter how hard I try to stay away, it just doesn't work. I always find myself in a need of a fix sometimes; lack of a love life often does that. Lmfao.
    September 5th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • welcome. c:
    September 4th, 2011 at 09:32pm
  • Hmph. I'll check it out later.
    I know! But I'm guilty. I read them once in a while if I can find a good one. LOL
    September 4th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • inkpop? I've never heard of that one.
    Agreed. I think Mibba has something to do with it too. Even though now, it's hard to find good stuff to read on here that's well written. It seems like everyone left too.
    September 4th, 2011 at 02:15am