Save Me

Please Giving Up Fucked Satisfied

To put it bluntly, I'm still a fourteen year old freshman brat living in Texas. It's not your fault I'm a bitch or a monster. I was born this way. See what I did there? I'm just playing. Gosh, people are so darn serious nowadays. Anyway, on with a long, pointless paragraph you won't probably read.

I'm not sure what you want to hear, but it's just nice to talk about myself (not being conceited or anything, but you probably like talking about yourself too once in a while) I enjoy quoting all sorts of shit, contemplating music, and reading Sarah Dessen novels. I'm simple, so don't try and complicate me. I really don't like when people try to bring me down or start to hate on my opinions. I'm actually a very peppy, energetic person who uses smiley faces too often. I'm a girl & I like video games. Get over it.

Layout: Claire @ liesforaliar
Header image from PostSecret