{{{Sweet Simplicity}}}

Joined date
January 2nd, 2008

My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me

Well...let's chat.

I'm Kaye...obviously.

I like to write...again, obviously.

My friends call me bitch, skank, slut, so feel free to call me those sparkling gems of names as well.

I've also been known to answer as McTitties.

Thank you, fuckers that are my friends.

I'm spazztastic.

I like to make up words [hence, "spazztastic"]

Ryan Ross is my lover.

I have him locked in my closet...but don't tell Evalee because I stole him from her closet.

That's why they're taking forever on their album.

My favorite authors are Stephenie Meyer, Holly Black, and Sarah Dessen.

They're funderful.

When I get bored, I like to go to public places and stare at people from behind corners and trash cans. It makes them feel uncomfortable.

Or, to make other people feel bad about themselves, when the teacher asks if we're all here, I say, "Wait, the ugly person isn't here yet...*looks around the room*...wait, nevermind, we're all here".

Sometimes I pretend I'm a pixie and the faeries are going to come and take me back to Faerieland one day.

Did I mention I'm a crack baby?

My friends are my condoms. They protect me when things get hard.

I'm stalked by a midget.

I like wearing crazy hats.

...is this enough for you?



...go away now.