
Joined date
January 2nd, 2008


Since people have asked, yes, the photo above is me

I find I enjoy things in opposite directions. I love sitting in a quiet place, sipping at my Nestea with my legs neatly crossed and tucked beneath me while reading an enamoring novel. I find comfort in the eloquence of words and I enjoy the swelling of my heart and the burning sensation creeping its way along the bridge of my nose as I feel the storyline of a novel. I find it amazing that I'm able to step foot in places with my eyes. On the contrary, I love social gatherings and upbeat parties where I'm pressed up against a crowd of people, some I know and some are mere strangers, but our skins touch. And even if it's for just that second, we touched. I may never see them again and we might never get to know one another, but for that one instance-- we connected.
I find it's the simple things that stir me up. Like when you leave the toilet seat up, or when my books are not in alphabetical order according to the author's last name, or when the amount of male editorials pasted on my wall are not equivalent to that of the females, or how about when you put your dish in for me to wash up the second I've cleaned the sink clear of the pile of dishes that were previously sitting in there. Don't forget the fingerprints on my mirror that you always manage to leave behind or your cellphone constantly ringing.. breaking the sanctuary of my quiet place. It's the small things. Always the small things.

My name is Kirsten, and you'll take me as I am.