
L.W.W | male | almost eighteen | schrei | cl!ck |

I'm Louis. Been here before.

I hate socializing but I'm an attention-manwhore.
Friend me; you and I both know how much you want to.
I write and I read; don't comment me telling/asking me to read your shit, because it probably is shit especially if you're "promoting" it.
Don't start a conversation with what's up or how are you.

Fakes: I'm 99.99% sure that at least 89% of the male population on here is fake; and at least 30-40% of the female population is fake. Sad, but true. Or well, sad because it's true.
I'm gay. I'm not going to lie about that. But, homosexuality is NOT a FAD, it's a sexual preference; it's a genetic mutation-of-sorts in the brain that causes one to be attracted to the same sex.

I'm eighteen on December 3.

if you are under 15, it may not be illegal for us to do anything, but I don't want to talk to you anyway. And if you are 13; GTFO.

|follow her|

please just forever hold your peace.


| TheLastManStands | StrawberryAvalanche | PrisonOfHounds |

@tigerbolts! layouts