Boo !

I miss my Daddy.I was suppose to go Spend the night at his hours for the Weekend, but he has weird hours at work.He just got out of Prison on June 18th, after being in Prison for 2 years!So I still barely get to see him, cause he lives in another City, and I don't wanna have to keep relying on his Girlfriend everytime I wanna see him.I feel like I ask for too much, ya know what I mean?I also miss...
September 18th, 2011 at 08:05pm

WWE Vengeance ?!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE WWE.I Started watching it in 2009 because my Former Friends 2 Brothers watched it.So, actually. I was more into JUST Jeff Hardy.He was SEXY, HOT, mmmmMyGod. he was Mmmm, Mmmmm, good.WELL; It's 2011 now, and I still watch it.I NEVER am able to watch paper views. I can't afford Paper views.WELL!This October is Vengeance.Vengeance is said to be the biggest Paper view this year...
September 17th, 2011 at 04:53pm

Oh my Gosh, the Hulk!?

I'm going to Islands of Adventure on October 21st, in Orlando!I'm so excited because It's gonna be my first time ever going!I'm also going to Halloween Horror Nights that same day.So I get to miss School! :)My Friend who's amazing is trying to go, but she needs $ I65.00! :OShe can do it, I have faith in her.But I've never been on a Upside down Coaster, or you know.. A big one.My first time riding...
September 16th, 2011 at 11:54pm

Question of the day? Along with my past relationship! Psh.

Is it okay to be in Love with someone you've know for 7 months, and ended up only having a Fling. FOR 2 DAYS? Just curious.I need opinions, and of course, my opinion matters the most, always.But I need to hear it from others as well.It's been bothering me for 3 months.I really liked this guy..I met him a couple days before my Birthday!I automatically fell for him.he was so rude, but in a cute way,...
September 14th, 2011 at 11:58pm

Sevenfold! At The Disco Chapter 4 ( Coming Soon )

Yes, I've been keeping score!Everyone's POV of the events in which they're in, and happen.Fun fun, for me!Very interesting plot.Brendon Urie and his band, Panic! At The Disco, decide they wanna go do a concert in Las Vegas.Theyir wish was granted, not knowing there was another Band playing in that same Area, that same night.Brendon meets Avenged Sevenfold.Brendon meets Zacky.Ryan meets Avenged...
September 13th, 2011 at 12:40pm

Doctor Who = Sexy Matt Smith. :P

Omg.My best friend in the whole world, Aylanna.She's a huge Fan Fiction writer and fan.I think it's great, but I'm not really into Buffy as much as she is.Or you know, Vampire stuff.I gave one of her favourite shows a try.LOVED IT!Doctor Who is one of my favourite shows now!<3 I Love the 11th Doctor.MATT SMITH! :)Absolutely amazing.I couldn't be more into Doctor who.I wish he was my Doctor.I...
September 13th, 2011 at 12:03am

Panic! At The Disco ?

If you've never heard of Panic! At The Disco.You should seriously consider listening to them.I mean, they're not as AMAZING as my favourite band, but they're my SECOND favourite Band.We all know..BRENDON F*CKIN' URIE is amazing, correct?Well; smexy as well, but enough of the facts.So here's my question.What's your favourite Panic! Song?I have a couple..Well a few.Here's my top , well whatever...
September 12th, 2011 at 11:04pm

Sevenfold! At The Disco ( My Story ).

So here's the deal.I'm a better writer at School, so..The chances of my posting chapters on the weekends unless I didn't write a Chapter on a weekday and I already wrote the next Chapter, it will be very Slim.I write my first chapter at school, and I think it turned out pretty well.I wrote some of it in geometry, and some in Art! Cause they're both boring classes. :PSee how that works out? :)I...
September 11th, 2011 at 07:17pm

In all Seriousness. Today is 9/11.

Hey.I'm Brianna.I'm here to share a little something.Today is 9-11.And It's been 10 years Today since it's happened.I'm very Sad today.I'm an emotional Person, so this is a big deal for me.I was about 5.. Didn't really know much about what was going on.But I can tell you right now if anyone here on Mibba had a Family member or Friend die in that situation.My Heart goes out to you and the rest of...
September 11th, 2011 at 04:27pm