A Silver Sickle. Writer. Reader. Slytherin. Opinionated. Anti-Everything. Sex on legs. Fun.

You can't give a Dementor the old one-two. jsyk.

I write Fan Fiction - a lot of it. Mostly Harry Potter, in fact, only Harry Potter. Rarely will I venture outside of that little bubble. If you're interested in reading anything of mine, feel free to do so. If you are a fellow Potter writer, then I encourage you to leave me a link to your works. I will check that out.

There's a huge possibility that somewhere, somehow, sometimes that we will clash - big time. I've got a lot of things to say and I certainly won't tolerate arrogant attempts of telling me I'm wrong. Deal with it.

I've got a few problems, y'know - the usual; depressed, anxious, lonely, scared, intimidated. Hey, that's life. Innit?

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.

For those of you beneath the illusion that I am someone else, please note this journal.