Ms.Marauder / Comments

  • Okay. I get it. Maybe you've outgrown writing, or maybe just outgrown writing on the internet.

    But could you maybe, possibly, just come back once and tell us, once and for all, if you're quitting or not?

    Please don't just leave us wondering.
    December 12th, 2011 at 02:36am
  • Did you know that Clary Elwes is the voice of Garrett from Quest for Camelot?! AND the Baron in both Whisper of the Heart and the Cat Returns! How crazy is that?
    December 1st, 2011 at 08:59am
  • I picked up a new word -_- It's not a good word.
    "What's up, bro?" "No joke, bro." "Seriously, bro."
    AHHHHHHH. It needs to go away. *Nod* *Nod*
    I'm headed home Wednesday :3
    Updates are to sure to be interesting.
    November 21st, 2011 at 10:43pm
  • Another anniversary day... :(
    Come back Sophie...come back...
    November 17th, 2011 at 03:14am
  • Sophieeee, what's happened to you, Darlin'?
    You're really starting to concern some of us obsessees... *cough cough* Torchie *cough cough*
    Your stories make my day better, and I beg of you to create more such masterpieces!
    You are our Mozart of creative writing, Dollface! Return to us!
    TT.TT <-- See, I even put a crying face!
    November 16th, 2011 at 04:12am
  • I'm sorry it's been so long! I'm going on a three hour charter bus ride this Friday! We made it to play-offs! Drumline, Guard, and Tubas all on one bus. Ought to be...very,

    Sooooooooo I punched a Freshman in the face yesterday...
    I was walking up the stairs and he grabbed my butt on a dare, my first reaction was to turn and...well...hit...
    So yup. Female security guard saw it all (Thank God), he has two days OCS. I got off with a warning.
    I felt really bad though. We both apologized. He also...has a black eye >.<
    Mind you he's on the JV football team. Oh the shit that poor boy is going to get.

    Anywhoozers. I miss you still....Nutter's and I have shirts with the "I know a boy who can fly...EAT YOUR HEART OUT PETER PAN!!!" quote on them, I had to explain it to a random person today. Soo, my mind has been on your stories all day. Where are you honey? We miss you! Come back!
    November 9th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • Nutter's and I...we're...we' year..we're seniors...oh dear lord.
    Where did the time go?
    Come back...Distract.
    November 3rd, 2011 at 03:01am
  • Since the last post I've been to the Doc's. I lied. Not only was it broken, it was SHATTERED into THREE pieces. Yup. Life. I've decided God has it out for me....
    I convinced the other band that I was from England last night. Couldn't get rid of the accent till this morning. My director attacked me with glitter spray. Why? Because I attacked him with rainbow glitter spray!! Mwhahahahaha.
    Talking to Meg on the phone. Very distracted. Must vanish. I miss you. Come back!!!!
    October 30th, 2011 at 04:45am
  • I super miss your stories.
    October 28th, 2011 at 08:05am
  • I was watching Psych today and the killer was stealing blood because he had Von Willebrand's disease and I was like "Where do I know that from?" and then I realized it's what Linc had, and I understood the whole story before they explained it.
    Your stories are educational!
    October 28th, 2011 at 03:57am
  • It's officially been 8 months Sophie...what the crap? Where are you? I'm so worried love...
    I'm sorry I haven't been on in forever.
    Remeber how I sprained my ankle?
    Well just as it was barely healing I managed to drop a rifle on my pinky toe. On the opposite foot.
    I didn't break it, but it looks so gross. It's giant and purple, and there's a huge blood blister on it that legiimately looks like a leech. It's yucky.
    So. Turns out I didn't get to mach in a single competition this year, and I'll actually be out for the rest of marching season. Awesome. Right? Sigh. Oh well. I'll be better, hopefully, by winterguard.
    Come back Sophie....Atleast to let us know where you are..
    October 16th, 2011 at 03:10pm
  • Love! I miss you!
    October 14th, 2011 at 07:00am
  • Also, I leave and you get REVIEWED BY HARPERCOLLINS?! And then you DISAPPEAR FOR 7 MONTHS?! You ma'am are a slippery fish!
    But, I missss youuuu.
    Come back and tell us you're alive. Or make Gui do it. Or whatever. D:
    October 12th, 2011 at 09:49am
  • Sophie :(
    October 12th, 2011 at 09:48am
  • Thank God for 3 day weekends.
    My ankle is killing me.
    Come back Sophie.
    October 9th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • Sophie...As you can see, everyone, and i mean everyone, is seriously worrying about you, they have a point too I don't think you have ever been gone this long before with out notice!! and I read below about you being reviewed by harpercolin (oh man I think i may have spelled that wrong) and since then you have not been seen anywhere? Please say this is true, then at least it will give people something to worry about instead of assuming you have died (as crazy as thta sounds I am starting to worry that myself) please come back we all miss you
    October 8th, 2011 at 08:57am
  • Sophie. Holy crap. I've been gone almost a week...
    Wanna know why?
    Because I'm an idiot and sprained my ankle on Monday. -_-
    Yeah....we all knew it was cooming *Sigh*
    Crap. Gotta go ice it.
    I hate icing it...
    It sucks...
    Sophie please be okay...
    October 7th, 2011 at 11:55pm
  • Except on Quizilla she left a link to her Mibba account with an announcement of her departure. Sophie also has a FictionPress account that hasn't been updated in months either, but that doesn't mean she's moved and never coming back. She's most likely been busy with something more important than Mibba or the Internet in general. She hasn't updated on Inkpop since "Mercury Books" was reviewed by HarperCollins, so maybe there's something there?

    Whatever the case may be, I hope everything is going well for you, Sophie, and that we hear from you sometime in the near future, even if it isn't what us readers want to hear.
    October 7th, 2011 at 10:44am
  • She told people she was moving. She didn't just disappear. And her inkpop is also untouched, which would be where she moved.
    October 6th, 2011 at 06:18am
  • She did this exact thing with Quizilla. She's moved to a different writing site.
    October 5th, 2011 at 01:58pm