Shout out Thurdays and my favorite people!

My first shout out is to Young Favorite! Who commented on my last shout out, I would like to take the time to re-mention Our City Skyline! Go like them on Facebook and Twitter! It'd make my day. Here's a link to her profile: would be the story Morning Wood and Other Monthly Visitors by Hyrule! She's an amazing writer so read her story and go give her some love!...
October 21st, 2011 at 03:55am

Shout out Wednesday<3

Well, hi there. It's been a while since I actually posted something (Skye= lazy b*tch). I haven't posted any stories or anything since like beggining of October.I'd like to give a shout out to my amazing friend Penelope, known as Mother Mae Ri. Here's the link to her profile :'d also really appreciate if you took a moment to like Our City Skyline on...
October 20th, 2011 at 01:22am

Drama With Bitchy Girls pt.2 (And Some Good News For All You Hopeful People)

Oh how happy I was to write this journal, Mibba, because shit went down today ad it did not end pretty. If you guys remember Annetta, I was studying at the library when she came up to me, bitching about her fucking girlfriend, Julia. And then she was like "So fuck you."I was just like,"...okay then." She walked away and I enjoyed the rest of my day piecefully. Lunch period comes and I have to go...
October 7th, 2011 at 02:26am

Rapings, Boyfriends, and Drama With Bitchy Girls.

Okay, it's been much too long, Mibba. I am starting to open up and I'm going to tell you a few events that happened in my life. My best friend since pre-school was raped and killed. I grew up with her. I have no more comments about it, but it leads me to another thing. I was raped when I was 15. I'm turning 18 on Halloween, do the math. But 15 was obviously a really hard time in my life. My older...
October 5th, 2011 at 02:45am

FML (Love you guys!)

Today, I was walking to the teacher in class and someone tripped me. I went flying and put my whole torso through a window. FML. True story, by the way. This happened today. I had to get stitches on my hand, right above and below my ribs and right next to my bellybutton. Life sucks. Well.Im so happy by the way, because I got six readers for my last journal entry last time I checked. Thank you...
September 22nd, 2011 at 03:03am

Meaningless Rant About Stupid Life

Dear Diary,I guess I can't really consider this a diary because everyone will see it, but I mind aswell rant on and on and on. Basically I'm a normal girl with an abusive boyfriend. I'm a normal girl with a suicidal past. A normal girl with the weight of going back to being bulimic on my back. A normal girl who is considered emo and cuts herself. Atleast, I'm kind of normal.My boyfriend loves me...
September 19th, 2011 at 06:49am