The Start Of A New Year...

It’s New Year’s Eve, the end of another year and the start of the year 2012. This year has been one interesting year, with many things happening. Started my first year of uni, met new friends but most importantly I found a guy that I think I can truly be happy with. I hope the year 2012 will bring lots of joy and happiness.My New Year Resolutions:-pass all the subjects for uni-hope me and my...
December 31st, 2011 at 01:56pm

Trial Dating...

I would not have believe that one moment can change my life. I was so sure that my feelings for Law would not change, but's almost no existence...and it's all thanks to Thane. He showed me that I deserved better...Even though Thane and I haven't known each other very long but with him, I'm always happy, never sad. He gives me a sense of security and comfort. We would flirt all night and...
October 8th, 2011 at 05:41am

His Actions Says It All...(Advices??)

I don't know what to feel or think...he's actions and words are giving me mixed signals. I need some advice on what I should do. So this is my story...sit back, relax and judge...I met Law at uni a couple of months ago (around 5 months), we became friends, but then I made it complicated for myself by liking him more than just a friend...this he does not know. Around June, during our End of Session...
September 21st, 2011 at 06:45am

Undelivered Confession...

I thought I am brave enough to confess to you tomorrow before you leave for break, even thought of how I'm to confess...but now thinking about it, maybe I shouldn't, knowing that you don't like me. I don't want the awkwardness between us, especially when I want us to talk over the phone during the break since we live in two different States...I am so happy today that we can talk to each other,...
September 17th, 2011 at 08:33am

Prac Class Ignorance...

Today in prac class, the way you ignore my existence made me realise that maybe I was never important to you...I guess our friendship changed ever since we both got back from break. Maybe we should not have met each other in the first place, so that now I don't need to have this sad feeling. Is this distance that you are trying to create another way to protect yourself so that if one day we do...
September 15th, 2011 at 07:06am

Blinded Trust...

Would you trust a person easily? Say if they were your family members or your best friend...? It seems safe to place your trust in them. But what if they break that trust? My trusts in my family members are broken. My trust is in my best friend is broken...What is a girl to do to be able to trust someone. I guess the saying; ‘Promises are made to be broken’ is true...My life is not that...
September 14th, 2011 at 01:01pm

The Beginning...

The first few entries for the journal will be copied from my blog in Blogger since I want to continue to pour my thoughts and feelings out. After that, I will continue with a fresh entry, sharing my joy, sadness and worry with everyone. This will be the place where I can pour out my feelings without anyone around me knowing. I guess pouring all your worries and fears to strangers are easy than to...
September 14th, 2011 at 01:00pm