Me vs. Her : How can you tell whether a guy likes you?

The simplicity that life is when you're happy, single and not wanting to give two f*cks...and then he decides to come along and you find yourself spending more time arranging yourself, conjuring up cool things to say to him in your head and subconsciously thinking about him whilst e.g. on the toilet, munching on a choclate bar or any other time. I have frequently walked into cabinet doors and...
May 11th, 2013 at 10:05pm

Real Life Mean Girls: Day 1, The Rumour

This past summer has been eventful and now that it's almost October I'm wondering why I still haven't enjoyed any of the past few months.It all started when I accidentally developed a crush on someone who was way out of my league and unavailable so when he started text me a lot over the summer I was rather delighted.We talked a lot and we got quite close. We then talked everyday from the month of...
September 28th, 2012 at 11:23pm