About me:

Ewan McGregor - Long Way Round Pictures, Images and Photos

Aynsley Maebh
Ain-Z-Lee May-V

Eighteen going on Fifty | Photography | Water | Ewan McGregor | Colorado | Cigarettes | Jazz | Writing | Scotland | Family | Laughing | Rain | Mountains | Jewish-Catholic | Classic Rock | Velvet Goldmine | A Fine Frenzy | Outdoors | Hiking | Glam Rock | Iggy Pop | Star Wars | Star Trek | Autumn | Traveling | Glee | Misfits (UK) | Reading | Motorcycles | Documentaries



Date: Tuesday September 27th, 2011
Listening To: King of Anything – Sara Bareilles
Woo-hoo I finally got Chapter One re-written! I am going to be starting on Chapter Two tonight after I watch the new episode of Glee. Both of them will be posted tomorrow at some point. I'm thinking as time goes on with story there will be more of a set time of when I update the story. FictionPress account is still not set up, but hopefully will be by tomorrow. So, yeah, that's about it I think. Oh! I learned how to make signatures today for the forums. I'm kind of not that great at them as of now, but I figure it's one those things that get better in time.

Date: Friday September 23rd, 2011
Listening To: Hey Soul Sister – Train
So I was a little disappointed in the the first chapter of my story, if I'm being honest. So I am going to start rewriting the first chapter, which will hopefully give me enough inspiration to write the second chapter. I'm hoping that I as I write, update and post I will come up with a type of schedule so it's easier to tell when I'm going to update. I am thinking it will probably be around once a week, and if it's more then that feel very, very lucky. I still haven't posted Maverick on FictionPress so this is the only source of information as of now. I will probably update my profile there before I post the new chapter one so when you guys re-read chapter one and probably chapter two, go check it out.

Date: Wednesday September 21st, 2011
Listening To: Gimme Danger – Ewan McGregor (Velvet Goldmine)
Thank you, thank you, thank you to Cori for the totally hot layout!
So I have posted my first story! For more information about it you can keep checking at my FictionPress account, because I will be posting more information over there. Any feedback you have on it would be highly appreciated. I mean I didn’t join this site for no reason, right? And I mean thoughtful reviews, not ‘I like this, please update’. I mean those are nice to, just not as nice as really long, thoughtful comments telling me what they liked and didn’t like. I don’t mind people being harsh, in fact, I love it. :)


Type: Original
Pairing: Maverick & Lucas
Rating: R.
Warnings: Slash/Gay/Guy-on-Guy Love, Sexual Content, Language, Alcohol.
Summary: Maverick was the King of the cynical and desolate in the rancid underbelly of New York City; his life had taught him not to be anything less than so. But like every other creature that walked this earth, he had an Achilles heel—the need and want to fix everything that appeared to be broken—that would lead to the descent of his reign as said King. This is the story of his demise.

Layout by Cori @ Fuel The Fire