
Just so you all know beforehand this journal is pretty much going to be a complete spew of stuff that's been in my head. I'm writing it here just to get it out in the open and possibly receive some sort of feedback on it, good or bad. As of late I have been constantly falling into this pit of darkness, a state where I have no desire to do anything at all but just sit there. The hard thing is how...
October 9th, 2011 at 05:09am

Creationism... Evolution... Other?

As a race of intellectual people we have tried many times to explain how it is we came to exist upon this planet we call earth. This led to creating two major theories; Creationism and Evolution. Both have gained great world wide support even though both theories are incomplete and are not completely backed by solid proof. Before we can begin to discuss each theory we must first have a basic...
September 22nd, 2011 at 01:01am

The Over Looked Thoughts and Effects of Regret

As human beings we are in no way perfect and at times tend to make mistakes along our way through life. The mistakes that we make are sometimes one's we wish we could go back and undo. As emotional and intellectual beings we sometimes tend to get caught up on the "what ifs" of life. What we tend to be blind to when analyzing the mistakes and the possible "what ifs" is how if the event that took...
September 20th, 2011 at 05:23am

Unsaid Thoughts

With each new day comes new thoughts to which some are granted the luxury of entering the world and being heard by people, while other thoughts are held back and begin to run rampant in our fragile minds. These are the thoughts to which we have led ourselves to believe are better off left unsaid. Is this really true? are these thoughts that we hold back truly better off that way?This does not...
September 20th, 2011 at 02:05am

Second Chance

Everyone goes through life looking to be accepted and loved. Though some never find the acceptance they want or the love they require. These people thus fall into a place, a place of darkness and solitude. This place is one of which no one would wish to end up. for some the misery becomes so unbearable that they act out on it in two ways; suicide or a shooting of those they feel put them in this...
September 20th, 2011 at 02:04am

Relevance of Age

Age is a number that begins to increment for each of us the day we leave our mother's womb. What does age truly represent, you would receive a different response from each person you directed the question to. Most answers you would receive would most likely be quite inaccurate. That is because as a society we have chosen to base so many things around the age of a person, rather than something...
September 20th, 2011 at 02:02am

One's Assumptions

Through life we all experience loss some to which we ourselves cause to happen. We don't always intend to be the cause of loss but sometimes it's just an effect that comes from how we choose to act based on the assumptions we have made.The way we as beings think is a brilliant thing but of course to the same degree it can be a very dangerous thing. How we choose to act out is based on what we know...
September 20th, 2011 at 02:01am

Brilliance of Silence

When to go silent, it's something that we don't always know when to put into effect. From an outside point of view it's easy to see when one should cease what their saying. However it's not so obvious when you're the one doing the conversing.Saying to much can be something that happens unexpectedly or from trying to explain something, more so when you are feeling hurt. When you feel hurt you don't...
September 20th, 2011 at 01:58am