Springsteen. / Comments

  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yesss :)

    bleh i already want another holiday haha. i've only been back at college on day & i feel exhausted. i wished i'd had more lazy days over christmas.

    well Jane Austen is more important then my updates :) ha. how are you finding it? my sister lovesss Austen, & she doesn't usually read books so for her to like an author is a big deal, that's the only reason I read Pride & Prejudice when I did.

    did you have any more snow? we've only had frost.
    haha well done, i would have fallen over for sure. did you have a good new years then?

    that's a nice big chunk of may! i'm still excited for you. & i think i still won't have chance of bumping into you, even though i may be going down the 28th onwards too for my birthday.
    January 10th, 2011 at 12:57am
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Gosh, Ian looks so hot on your page. <3

    OhmyGod, England? Ah! I wish I could go to England! If I had a choice between two countries, I'd most definitely not pick England first (unless it's between that and say...Sudan or something lol.) I don't know. England has never been a place I wanted to badly go to. But if McFly are there haha..

    I'd rather be happy but I can't help but feel good when I release tension. Being pissed gives me energy which makes perfect sense when I'm doing chores. Mother doesn't get that though. :/

    Haha well I do that too then. :) If your mind is on more than one thing at once, then yes, multitasker. Right now I'm thinking about this comment, my aching thumb (I was playing on my PSP for a while..), my aching tummy (had a giant lunch 5 hours ago..), and how I'm going shopping in 20 minutes. xD There's a sale at Centerpoint and my friend showed me all the clothes she bought yesterday at ridiculous prices. Told my mother. Now we're on our way there, not even 24 hours later hah.

    Well, in his defense, the girl didn't mention a series and he was sort of in a hurry (or busy in the head, one of them...) and said he didn't bother checking. Ah well. A gift is better than none. :)

    My life is hectic but it's not like on TV when everything goes into super mode or something. It's so agonizingly slow it hurts. I swear time is gliding and I feel like a sloth with a million checkpoints (oh great, I've been playing too many racing games..) in front of me. But in five months, I'm free. So I better make the best of the time I've got.

    The weekends feel like breaks to me I swear. I don't know what's up with it though. It's only two days if you really think about it. Half of the last day you're at school and the end of the last day of the weekend is spent getting ready for school. :/ I'd still appreciate a few days off though. Catch up on sweet sleep!

    Oh. Well, no Science field for me! I might take English..or something. I'm good at that. Tell me about what you're doing again. I'd love to know. ;)

    How's 2011 going for ya?
    January 7th, 2011 at 05:07pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    New Ian picture <3 :)

    that's good. you've found your stride so at least you're not dreading going back, it sounds like you really enjoy school.
    speaking of updates, i need to read yours! and the new story. i haven't had much time to read on here.

    thanks, i do feel loads better now.
    true. our snow's basically gone now, but we had a lovely white christmas & the snow froze too so it was glittery :) but in a way i'm glad it's gone because i'm wearing heels tonight & now there's no ice for me to slip on haha.

    wow the furthest i visited with school was france & germany haha.
    are you going early may or late? i'm actually going down to london in early may for camden crawl.

    before i forget, Happy New Year!
    December 31st, 2010 at 01:21pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Well, she thinks we are really smart and whatnot and I'm like, "Ugh, why does that sound like a crime?" But whatever. Either way, I need straight A*s or my dad will be all down my throat. -_-' I kinda told him I don't want to do A2 (Secondary A-levels) and how I wanted a quiet senior year .. okay, I didn't tell him about the latter haha. But now he's all, "this school is significantly easier than your last so you'd better do great." -_-

    I get extreme when I'm frustrated. If you were in my face, I'd just splutter and say incoherent things. XD And stomp my foot haha.

    I know. But I was born to multi-task. Speaking of, you know 'Grenade' right? Oh God, it's so catchy haha.

    The book I got as a gift is actually the 5th in the series so I can't read it now. Boo. And no television. And my cousin wants me to read this entire book to him so that he learns all the hard words and their meanings and their pronunciations. And not to mention how my crush-of-seven-or-so-years is currently in the city. Seriously, who's effin' with my life? :pulls face:

    Hah, I haven't but I plan to. I plan to live when I hit college. I figured I'd suffered enough in high school and that I would do everything I never got to do later. And dammit, I'm gonna!

    I have three weeks and then a break! I can't wait for the break. I have a lot to think about ! Is Chemical Engineering stupid ? xD I'm trying to think of things here and I realized I wouldn't mind doing Chemistry and Math (but I'd rather not.) As long as Physics can kiss my ass, I'm happy.

    Thanks. :D The year is almost over!
    December 30th, 2010 at 04:22pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    December 28th, 2010 at 08:04pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Oh, why did you mention the iambic pentameter?! For my finals, I have to learn 24 literary terms and point them out, three sonnets, five biographies, all the tenses, two vocabulary lessons...and the list goes on! I'm so ugh, I don't know what I will do.

    Haha, I don't know why I said "skin my forehead". I guess the more brutual the better my frustration is understood I suppose, haa.

    That's good. My brain is never on when I write notes, I swear. I always listen to music in class because the teacher says not to talk so. And if I don't, I just stare at the board.


    I got a book from the "Immortal" series as a gift and I don't even have time to read it. -_- But enjoy your Anna K! Also, all my TV shows have ended as of now. No more Smallville, no more Life Unexpected, no more Heroes. I am so lost now. :(

    Haha, yeah, he is very young. Between 20 - 30. I don't really know which. His name is Tom. Which is weird. It does him no justice. I mean, Tommy is fine I guess but eh. He looks like an Adam or Alex or something sexy haha.

    I can't believe I have three weeks until finals. It's like, ahhh! I don't want to study or anything. I just want to think about life and my future but all I seem to be doing is homework, tests and projects. It sucks. But hey, enjoy your break. You deserve it! And in case you don't reply on time, Happy New Year. :D
    December 28th, 2010 at 07:58pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Happy Holidays...or better yet, Happy Holidays four-days-ago. It all depends on when you reply haha. <3
    December 26th, 2010 at 12:33pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ahh well you know how bad i am at replying myself so there's no need to apologize. i think we should just accept the fact there's always about a week between replies haha.

    yeah well done for surviving the first semester! :) & it's good you're looking forward to the next one. it'll probably be easier to as you've figured some stuff out, like where everything is & the quality of work each teacher expects from you.

    skiing sounds fun!
    i have a bloody cold, which seems to have come on full force today i'm hoping all the medication i've taken will kicki in soon haha. i need to cook christmas dinner tomorrow.

    well wearing heels especially in ice & snow is a skill only some have ;) i think you have to wear them sometimes in this weather, flats aren't exactly a good idea in snow haha. i've been wearing my doc martens a lot.

    ohh that's so exciting! are you coming for school or holiday? either way it's cool, & you should have good weather too, it's usually quite nice through may.

    thank you, & even though you probably won't read this for a few days, merry christmas to you too! i hope you have a super day.
    December 24th, 2010 at 07:35pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    not* stupid typos
    December 23rd, 2010 at 11:11pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Oh, it's fine. Really. I've been busy myself and I'm constantly reminding myself to comment back. I'm on a short break from doing Vocab right now hence this comment. Or else this would've been coming later than a week or two. :/

    I can't stand Donne either. I wish I could have a verbal argument with that nutcase. Show him a piece of my mind. (Or give him, more like..) I ended up nothing having to do it due to lack of time but I did do my poem and she was shocked into…I dunno, semi-speechlessness. (I have it up here too. [i]A Teen's Sonnet[/i]. Cheesy.) But I have to do it this Saturday and that sucks big time. She's invited the head or whatever that lady is and so many people, I want to skin my forehead. o.O

    Aha. Well that makes sense. I'd most likely be one of those haha. So hand-written eh? I need to do that or else it's FB, Mibba and etc. :D

    I'd take justice over injustice any day~

    I missed 2 episodes of Smallville this week AND there was a House special on Tuesday so no Life Unexpected. That concludes my TV week. Ugh. I seriously don't have time for TV so I get really pissed off when I don't watch them.


    Lmao. Last week I caught a glimpse of his shoulder tattoo. And the lack of attractive boys (even though I go to an all-girls school atm) is the reason I think this teacher is super cute hah. Otherwise I'd be too preoccupied with the aforementioned boys. :D

    Lucky you. I'm still home and although it's a weekend, I'm so tired. I'm trying to finish all of my homework and study so that I can at least relax on my last day of weekend. Next week is booked with tests and chaos.
    December 23rd, 2010 at 11:09pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i'm so jealous of you for finishing early.
    that is annoying, & sometimes i think it's so the teachers don't get into trouble, like they're supposed to make you get through a certain topic before the term finishes & two weeks before that happens they realize they've missed loads of stuff out.
    if that even makes sense

    did you write your paper? i don't know why i'm asking, you surely did. if it makes you feel any better, nothing new can possibly be said about Wuthering Heights, at least i don't think so. it would be like someone trying to disect Macbeth any further.

    '[i]it looks like glitter is falling from the sky[/i]' - that made me smile haha

    it would be! but lets not discuss your death haha.

    i actually think high heels are ok in bad weather, the heel digs into the ground i guess? for me it's better than wearing flats anyway.

    ahh ten hours, that does sound like agood sleep :)
    come on, i bet your paper turned out awesome.working best under pressure ;)
    December 15th, 2010 at 12:49am
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Well then, I must apologize for the lateness of this reply. I haven't been on much to reply to long comments lately and I realized I've put comments off for almost a week. (That's a shock, let me just say.)

    I thought I had it bad. I had to do this presentation on William Shakespeare (because I begged for the supposedly bisexual poet instead of the mental Jon Donne or Wordsworth or whatever the other choices were. Apparently, I had to act like I was [i]him[/i], which apparently included a moustache and a "deep voice." Of course, as indecisive as my English teacher is, I haven't had a chance to do it yet. I reasoned with her wrongly wired brain and somehow managed to convince her that speaking in third person (with respect to Mr. William..) would get his life story across much better. And I added the whole nine yards too. "It's English class, ma'am. Not a Golden Globe recital." :D I didn't exactly say that...per say.

    Why in God's name don't you take your laptop in?

    Oh, Karma is fair alright. Stupid justice haha

    I hate when quality goes low. I sort of quit Supernatural. I just couldn't make the time. Now all I watch is Smallville (season 5. mind you) Sun-Thurs and Life Unexpected on Tuesday nights. It helps with the stress I suppose. :D

    Two different channels. That explains the random order. ;)

    Life has been hectic on some levels. But this super cute teacher in this school that [i]I'm not a student in[/i], surely makes my day [i]this[/i] much better. :) He's so fun to look at.

    Well, one month at home seems like a good thing. One month away for me would be superb man haa.

    Yup, well, I don't want to be a party pooper and have you reply to a lengthy comment. So I'll leave it at that. ;)
    December 9th, 2010 at 10:33pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i don't think i said this last comment but, your profile pics are always cute :0

    Always on the last thursday of November...ok i'll actually remember that now haha.
    i think you break up before me! lucky. i don't until like, the 22nd or something but that's just for this teachers review thing we do. & the day before we're just having a mini party & doing each others hair :)

    well as long as you got some kind of break.

    ok that town does sound adorable. i'm excited, but i don't really think i'm in the christmas spirit yet, but i'm buying presents and some new baubles for the tree on monday night so that will probably get me in the mood.

    Death by theatre, what a way to go haha

    agreed. and i feel boots are a necessity when there's snow/sleet/ice. i stupidly wore my flats to college the other day & i was practically attached to my friend so i didn't fall over haha.

    sure thing. i'll send you 2 messages, one with the CSS & one with the HTML.

    Top Gear marathons sound fun though. ha i never take anything seriously. i'm going to youtube it when i'm in the need for a laugh then.

    i'm excellent thank you. i'm babysitting & i'm really hoping he doesn't wake up when i'm just about to go to bed, sleep is such a sacred thing in this house ha.
    how are you love?
    December 5th, 2010 at 12:25am
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    did you have a lovely thanksgiving?? - even though i don't actually know what day it was haha.

    well that's still cool, getting full credit. is your break finished now? whoa realized i haven't been online for about a week haha. anyway, was it even a break if you had so much to do?

    i loveeeeeee December :) people stress out about christmas shopping & everything they say they have to do, but i think it's a really relaxed time of year. after christmas is way more stressful.
    wow another musical? that sounds fun :)

    i loveee the cold, but that's probably because my body temperatures quite low so i feel more comfortable when it's cold haha. & i don't mind the early nights, though it's a bit of pain if me and my sister haven't been up to check on the horses before it's gets dark because the field's surrounded by woodland & it's hard to see what you're doing, and random deer or rabbits pop out suddenly haha.
    I agree about the summer nights though, because it feels like you have more time when there's light for longer.

    sorry it's taken me so bloody long, anyway i did two versions but it's ok if you don't like either, or you want a different picture - i like putting them together ha. & obviously you can change whatever you want, headers, background, etc.

    Also, i'm super jealous! his book doesn't come out here till like january, i hate living here sometimes haha.
    & American top gear? i can't picture it, i might have to youtube that.

    oh & did you hear about hathaway & franco hosting the oscars? i might actually have to watch.
    December 1st, 2010 at 12:48am
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    Oh shit on a stick. I thought I wrote a reply and posted it. My head is everywhere these days. Anyways, ignore this comment. I'll get back to you...eventually. :P
    November 27th, 2010 at 06:51pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    they should give out awards for being bad at replying. i think i'd be a top contender.

    anyway, i hope things have got a little calmer for you. well not to calm because i figure you like to keep busy haha. but i hope you managed to master that ten page essay.

    Palo Alto? i think that's what it's called right? i'm keeping a watch out for it on play.com haha, like a geek.
    Gosh i just adore the Franco's, & we've just got the last series of Scrubs over here so Dave's character is cracking me up.

    well i think it's good when life is too busy to watch TV. i mean, it's good to relax but life should rule :) i really only watch tv now when i babysit.

    i really enjoy the cold, and the fact it gets darker quicker, but then i realize it's going to be even colder in like january & i'll have to wear a jumper & a coat to college rofl.

    haha! well i stick by thinking you're crazy, but cool crazy. & i wish i was that motivated.

    actually i'm not that busy now because i've already achieved the % i needed by christmas & i've only got 2exams left this year, so yes, if you still want a layout i'll try & scramble something up for you :)
    is there any particular Ian pic you want? & do you want one column like my current layout, or two like this one - http://murdermile.webs.com/jamess.htm

    p.s; sorry for rambling what i think is more then usual, i think it's because i haven't been online for a while rofl
    November 19th, 2010 at 11:54pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i like your icon.

    baha it is difficult. God i'm looking forward to the christmas holidays just so i can ease up on the coffee drinking & get more sleep lol.
    did you manage to go back to sleep before class? i would clal that a long power nap, those are awesome.

    it's sad :( the most i see Gaspard is on a billboard in the big department store i walk through to get into the shopping center, but James Francos face is also there & i get distracted.

    i know how you feel. i've just started getting around to watching movies i meant to see at the cinema but now they're out on DVD.

    Bleh tests. how'd it go/or how do you think it went?
    man i've had 3 already.

    gah snow! did it snow? if so i'm jealous, it's just cold here, which i don't mind as long as i've got a big pair of socks.

    agreed. the clothes on Mad Men are adorable.

    oh that's so cool! the show's still going well then?
    baha i think you're a little insane taking that on as well as it being your first year.

    my layout? i made it myself actually, though i forgot where i got the picture from :/ livejournal i think.
    November 9th, 2010 at 01:15pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    I'm just replying to comments because my clothes are in the washing machine and I have to wait for them. :/ I sort of forgot that since I didn't go to school for a week (only two days official holiday, the rest were...semi ditching D:) my school skirt was somewhere in the messy pile. :O Thank God I remembered hah.

    What movie?

    That's stupid hah. They don't even let us talk when they're writing on the board. It's like we're five year olds again.
    But hey, I'm not complaining; I love being able to go on Mibba from school. :D

    Yeah but we're in different countries, makes sense. My younger siblings get three days (plus a weekend) off more than me and that sucks. :( But I've taken so many off days (by choice) that I bet karma wanted to get back at me!

    Well that sucks. I hope I have it though haa. Over here, you just buy the reciever thing. I've seen it on commercials every day. Makes me wanna cry because I have to book the T.V. beforehand if I want my hour. Supernatural today was creepy. Bugs, yuck. XD

    If you're following Nano ways, it's 1667 words per day which is so small in my head. Easier said than done though.
    I'm so behind it's funny. But I think that's how it goes. You have a good day and a bad day. :D I wrote 1,000+ words today so I'm good for the day. Tomorrow is another (hopefully done) 1000 words and Wed is crunch time!

    I know right? It's like, end it please! But if they bring a season you have to watch it! It's like, a law. XD
    I don't know where I am but I bet it's either season two or three hah. I know I'm really behind. But hey, I'm saving TV shows for when I get out out out!

    OH OH. They haven't found their dad yet. In another channel, I saw the father with them (or I could be mistaken..) so I bet it's way behind. I watch random episodes. Do you watch Life Unexpected? I like it. :D

    My friend wore heels to a field trip. Said she had no other choice. Four inches. Maann. I felt bad for her hah.

    I find myself staring at him and in my head I can see his hand go through his hair completely. :D
    November 8th, 2010 at 08:49pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    I saw. :) Would've commented but it's hard on a PSP at...1:00AM. -_-
    But yay! I think I read Impressions update though....rain, Clark, her being mad at herself in the morning? Yeah, I did. XD

    I know right? I don't know why either. They see the laptop and don't even bat an eyelash! Weird.

    Yeah I have school Monday, Tues and Weds and then maybe 10 days - two weeks off of school. But I don't get Christmas off, even though haha I don't celebrate that anyways. My brother's off though and that sucks because he'll fly in in December when we have school and when we're off, he's in university like you are. Ugh.

    Sometimes haha. XD

    ME TOO! I want that so bad. But it'll have to wait until I get out of here. (I hope whoever I end up living with has it.) How much is it anyways?

    It's hard haha. And thanks. I'll need the luck. But hey. It's not like I'm really writing everyday. Some days I can't stop, some days I can't start. I just hope by 25th I'm done so I can start editing! -__-

    Where is Supernatural at for you? I think I'm at the uhh...(haha.)..the Priest daughter that "punishes" people. I bet it's so far away. Anyhow, they make me laugh, Sam and Dean. "Be quiet." "You be quiet." "You be quiet." XD

    Sucks right? I don't even like going on school trips because there's an unspoken rule of wearing something nice but not too nice you know? Ugh. I just go with whatever and screw everyone over lol. And school is so much easier with uniform. I'm going to miss that lol

    Back to Bruce layout I see. :D
    November 5th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Lady.Orion

    Lady.Orion (100)

    no passwords*
    November 1st, 2010 at 06:45pm