
I would imagine that a fair few of you know what NaNo is, though I'm not sure how big it is here. But, as you may have guessed, I'm doing NaNo this year, against my better judgement because I have eight exams in November. But I honestly couldn't resist, because I did NaNo last year and it was just so awesome that I couldn't NOT do it again this year.I'm pretty excited about my story. It's my first...
October 13th, 2011 at 10:58am

Foray into Mibba.

I've heard of this site from a couple of friends who have used it before, so when I found myself thinking "Man, I want to post some of my otherwise pointless ramblings about life online" I decided to come here. I'm not entirely sure of the genre or type of these ramblings, but I guess you all can find out when I start posting. I'm first and foremost a fanfiction writer (Harry Potter - I haven't...
September 26th, 2011 at 10:12am