
You have no idea how much this sucks. This sucks so much. It sucks knowing that you're hurting. It sucks knowing that there's nothing I can do to help you. It sucks that you won't tell me what it is that's bothering you. But what sucks the most is that if this was September, you'd probably tell me. Just like you told me everything back then. It sucks that our friendship sunk so low that you can't...
January 6th, 2012 at 05:13am

The flaws of men.

First off, who the fuck do you think you are? Don't you realize that this shit hurts me? Even if it's for a good cause in the end, is it really worth saying if it's going to hurt me? In what world is it okay to tell a girl straight to her face that she looks like shit? Do you know how hard I try to look good for you? Do you know how long I spend getting ready when I know I'm gonna be hanging out...
December 11th, 2011 at 06:25am

How much it hurts

You rip me apart, you know that? Into so many fucking pieces.I wait around for you, hoping that you'll do as you said you would.I promise myself I'll be strong.I promise myself I won't give in.But....but you drive me....you drive me INSANE.You make me weak.I can't even play hard to get because you don't care.That's the problem. You don't fucking care.What the fuck happened?Just two weeks ago, we...
October 22nd, 2011 at 09:24pm


Has someone ever done something that you find unexplainable? It doesn't make sense why they do it? To such a state, in fact, that it comes irritating and just plain annoying.That's how I feel.That need a certain person feels to "protect" me, in a way. Thinking about my feelings way too much. So much that even when I say "it's not going to change anything" or "I can handle it" or "I'm fine with it"...
October 12th, 2011 at 03:01am

Losing you.

Have you ever been so afraid of something that it controls your life? I don't mean afraid of a thing like ghosts, home invasions, getting kidnapped, or anything of that nature. I mean like actually scared of something that might happen.Like losing someone.Have you even been so afraid of losing someone that it just constantly lingers in your head? Someone who means the world to you. Someone who's...
October 6th, 2011 at 01:26am


Have you ever felt so helpless?Have you ever felt that no matter what you do to people, it's never enough for something good to come back to you?Have you ever felt that Karma is your only way of a revenge you sometimes don't want?Have you ever not wanted to hurt someone but ended up doing it anyway?Have you ever felt like you've just fucked yourself over so badly that nothing is ever gonna go your...
October 2nd, 2011 at 10:09pm