Hey there pretty lady. Hah, just kidding I'm not lesbian.. I'm straight bitches! Well Anyways.. Hello. My names Hope. I'm 15 years of age and pretty boss. I enjoy writing poetry even though I suck. Oh well. It's entertaining. I play piano and write songs also if you wanted to know. I'm sure you all did. I don't mean to sound cliche but music is pretty much my life. Besides for my bestest friend in the world Rachel (LoveinVain). She's pretty hot. Go check her out. Yo. So yeah that's all I got to say at the moment. I hope (hah, hope) you all enjoyed reading about me even though most of you don't care. So, yeah come talk to me. I'm not a bitch. Don't worry... Kbaai.
Wanna hear a peom?? Ok here it goess.....Roses are red, vioelets are blue, most peoms rhyme, but this one doesnt........Okbaii
User: SilverEcstasy.
Layout: Christofer Drew Ingle
Credit: ©pas