Why Do I Always Get the Urge to Write at 3 am??

I hate this! I always get the urge to write on Saturday night around 3 am. It's not good at all. I have church in the morning, and I already have a hard enough time getting up when I do get my 8 hours in. Tomorrow morning is going to be so hard. And I have to study for a Biology exam tomorrow and write an article for my college newspaper. It's an opinion column about how we college students drink...
October 9th, 2011 at 10:11am

College, Where Thursday Kicks Off the Weekend

Ah, first journal entry. As you can probably tell by the title, I'm a college student. If you are or have already been to college, you probably already know that there aren't many classes on Fridays. (or is that just a Michigan budget cut thing?) So... here's my day....In my hall, we're playing this game called Marshmallow Assassination. You get a target to "assassinate", a marshmallow, and very...
October 7th, 2011 at 07:19am