About me
singer writer dreamer

Allie :) 15 and I'm a Junior in High School. I blow out my candles on November 15th. I'm mature for my age. That being said, I do have a dirty mind and love laughing and joking, but I know when things need to calm down. I'm a Christian; God is my rock and my savior. I have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. It's seriously such a big part of my life; you probably wouldn't understand unless you're a Potterhead. I'm a Gryffindor according to Queen Rowling at Pottermore, but I'm a Ravenclaw at heart. I'm a really good listener! I'm in Choir and I'm extremely passionate about it. I love writing, Logan Lerman, singing, dancing around my room, friends, Debate, Dr Pepper, my planner, Glee, England, Vampire Diaries, helping people, friends, Italian food, Tumblr, knowing how things work and pretty much anything Disney related. Send me a message and we can be friends! :)


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Layout by Lameface. Image from Tumblr