Drumroll, Please
My Face
Talk to Me

Let the Credits Roll
Layout by Lameface.
Image found onTumblr

Forever Young
Hey, hi.
My name is Sarah and I'm a whole 17.
I'm a bit of a sarcastic fuck, but hey, it livens up the conversation.
I swear too much,
care too little.
But my friends, they mean the world.
I have an excellent taste in music,
go see for yourself.
I'm stubborn, a little immature,
but I swear I'll behave.
Mostly, anyway.
I'm not shy, I promise you that,
And I'm friendly as hell, so be sure to say hi.

Currently listening to: Endlessly - The Cab
Feeling: Some intense writer's block.
I am: []online []offline [x]busy watching Adventure Time

A Few Tall Tales
Strawberry Fields Forever
5 Chapters

Story Title