I Want to Stop Cutting, But I Keep Thinking About Suicide.

My last couple journals were about my cutting. And I know you're probably sick of hearing me talk about it, but I'm going to anyway.My cuts are healing, slowly, but they're healing. I'm glad I didn't cut too deep, because summer's coming, and I don't want to have to wear long sleeves in the heat. I'm totally sick of long sleeve shirts and hoodies now! I've been looking for other outlets, and I...
May 10th, 2012 at 09:43pm

How Long Until My Cuts Are Going To Heal? (Follow up from yesterday's journal)

So yesterday I posted a journal about my crush seeing my cuts. And I thought I should follow up on that.I did end up going to school, having to sit by him again. He didn't say anything to me today. He just kind of pretended I wasn't there, other than the fact I caught him glancing at my arm with the cuts (even though they were mostly covered up by a jacket, a few were visible though, but not the...
May 9th, 2012 at 04:16am

My Crush Saw My Cuts. There Goes The Little Bit of a Good Rep I Had.

I was recently diagnosed with severe clinical depression. The only people who know about it are my immediate family. But what they don't know is that I cut sometimes. Only my mom, dad, and step-mom know that. They don't find it as serious as most people do. And neither do I. It helps me vent and get everything out. Its most on my upper arms, but every now and then I'll cut my wrists. No one at...
May 7th, 2012 at 11:04pm