Come Right out and Say It

“And I tried to guess what goes on in your head 'cause in your mind I just might find all those things you left unsaid.”Rather than implying and hinting at what we mean, why don’t we just come right out and say it?People all too often expect us to pick up on cues that tell us what they really want. Instead of saying “I am really upset,” sometimes people opt to be quieter or stand-offish....
September 4th, 2015 at 04:04pm

Cavanaugh Park

"Some things never do change."My first love happened in middle school. It wasn't a boy, a girl, or any breathing creature. At the age of 14 I fell in love with music. Prior to that fateful day, I always enjoyed music but didn't find artists that I really connected with. One day I caught my older brother playing Cavanaugh Park by Something Corporate. In that moment I was transcended. For a brief...
September 2nd, 2015 at 03:31pm

Coffee Shop Soundtrack

"There’s money on the table that says your cheap shots won’t be able to break bones tonight."The last word - everyone fights for it. We aim at hurting others, bringing them down a few notches. How is it people are so set on revenge, giving the low blow?When relationships end the first move for most people is to change their status, delete photos of each other on their profiles, and lastly make...
August 28th, 2015 at 04:56pm

Cell Phone

“I’m a slave to the wires.”In modern society it is common place to be attached to a cell phone, laptop, or any other electronic device. All too often we are so focused on our virtual world that we completely neglect the real world right in front of us. As of late, life seems to be a series of missed opportunities. That beautiful sunset went unnoticed because you were too busy scrolling your...
August 28th, 2015 at 04:44pm

Take off Your Colours

“We call it time well spent but I've been lying and you’re going to hate me.”I spent seven years in one relationship. I gave him everything I had – all my love, dreams, hopes. Sailing wasn't smooth and we fared the seas as best we could. Two months ago he put us on a break, the waters being too much for us to handle. There was no communication whatsoever. For the first time as an adult I...
August 26th, 2015 at 05:06pm


We, as humans, will adapt too each situation. There is a clear distinction on how to act around your parents versus how you act around your friends. To all, I play the role of the good girl who is always in line and is never breaking the rules. I play the role flawlessly. It's easy to play - dress modestly and hardly ever utters a curse all the while earing good grades. My cousins have gone as far...
February 26th, 2015 at 08:32pm