Thank you for the comment on Cities of Evil :) I haven't really worked much on the next chapter for ages because I haven't had the inspiration, but I think I'm going to start working on it again :D
D'aw, I made someone's day! Best day ever. :D Omg, a Skyrim fan. So I don't sound as crazy with my comment, haha. I can see out sexy little hunter running through snow and fighting off dragons :3
No problem. I'm glad to read different types of stories and yours was a breath of fresh air. Keep writing, it'll only get better. Not that it already isn't. :)
Haha I wish ! I really do want to write a book one day , so I use this pretty much as practice for character development cause lets face it : you can have a shitty story line , but if you have a character that people love , it doesn't matter !