
[dani Vengeance]
hihihi. my name is dani.
i'm about 15 years young, 16 in july. i love music, drawing, pad thai and mostly; my friends.
i love to meet new people, and to act like a total retard in public places. i love it when people buy me stuff, even if its just junk from the dollar store. i used to write, but i'm utter shit nowadays. you can usually find me harassing the local old people, trying to kidnap your pets or just vandalizing your car. i'm a very outgoing person, i'm almost never in a mood. i need to go to a concert soon enough, i majorly lack moshing excersize, basement throwdowns will just not do. well, i guess this is enough pointless bullshit, so send me your fucking a7x stories!

diamonds aren't forever

layout belongs to daniVpresents
off the heezay

thursday, april 30th 2009
8:28 AM
music: Diamonds - Breathe Carolina

oh fuck,
i've finally come back!
after like almost a month of being computerless, i now have it back!
stupid parents need to trip on something very sharp.
anyways, LINDSAY I effin missed you a looooooooot, i'll reply to your messages a.s.a.p!

hmm, well today is kinda starting off shitty.
i have to write my english essay on To Kill a Mockingbird < a pretty boring book, but it was okay.
so i'm skipping like 5 periods
and probably going to school on the last.. if i really want to..

love dani x

a lot like vegas

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