Twilight Daydreams

United States
Joined date
October 19th, 2011


My name is Sarah. I'm 16 going on 17.Bisexual. I'm random, maybe a little crazy. I'm easily confused. I forget things alot. I have alot of people that mean a hell of alot to me. I don't say I love you to just anyone. I'm a bitch and I'm not ashamed of it, I'll say sorry if I believe I could of worded it nicer but I always mean what I say and I try to be nice about it. I love computer games, and writing. My favorite thing to do is read, to get lost in a world of words is truely amazing. I'm a bit of a nerd and that doesn't bother me. Everything I do is help improve my future. My decisons are my own and my mistakes are mine to make. I'm a human being so therefore I am not perfect and will never claim to be. My personality is exactly a winner but I do my best to be a good person. I don't need or want your approval.


Layout By: Mandie @ WhisperWars
Background Image: Velvet Factory
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