Herrooooooooooo! I'm Catastrophe and my name describes myself :) There's so much I could say about myself! I'm that random kid who goes up to random people and yell "Wanna be friends?!" But you grow to love me! I'm one of kind, and lets keep it that way, eh? I decided to make one of these because my friend let me use his ALL the time. Bisexual pride! Accept me or not! Talk to my, lollies! I want to know you C:

Date: 10/24/2011 / Time: 06:01 pm / Doing: On Tumblr / Thinking: I miss my friends

Leave our Thoughts? ; My Face :) ; Poems!

pictures from fuckyeahskinnybitch & edited by kerisa @ cosmiclove

layout made by kerisa @ cosmiclove