Should I take a Gap Year?

I'm about to graduate and I've given it a lot of thought, but I'm still not entirely sure whether or not I should take a gap year. I've read that it's better for your college resume and it gives you more experience. But I don't really know. My biggest issue is I don't know whether I should go straight into college with this burning hatred I have pf doing anything at the moment. I don't want to...
March 31st, 2014 at 12:29am

I haven't updated in a long time.

Gods, it's been so long since I've updated. School and home have kept me so incredibly busy. This year has been quite frustrating. A lot of stuff has happened since I last updated. My sister had a seizure. Yeah, that was some scary shit. She's never had one before and it just...happened. It was so freaking weird. We stayed in the hospital all night and I missed school because of that. But it's...
April 2nd, 2013 at 11:42pm

July 11, 2012

Hello. I realize I haven't written a blog in quite a while, so I thought I'd do one.I'm going to shamelessly whore my story out, because frankly I'm getting tired of the comment swap feature. All I keep getting are love stories, band fiction and such. I've only gotten a few good stories and those are one shots. Il Mondo PerdutoIt's for a contest and it's nearly done. I have a few more chapters to...
July 11th, 2012 at 07:56pm

June 27, 2012

Time: 9:50 P.M.So I'm going to start making these as actual journal--blog--entries. Like the notebooks that I write in. You guys don't have to comment or anything, I'm just letting everything out.I can't wait until July 3. I'm supposed to have an appointment with a therapist. At the place I'm going to they got a new therapist and want to try me out with him/her. It should be ok, I need to get all...
June 28th, 2012 at 05:10am