Steph V. / Comments

  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Honestly, I think this illness came about because we had some drastic weather changes - a straight week of being almost 100 degrees, and then a cold day. I don't know what it is in Fahrenheit, but in Celsius we had a 34 degree day followed by a 20 degree day. And it just did my head in. Body couldn't handle it!!

    I'm feeling much better now. =) Alas, still not getting any writing done.
    December 29th, 2013 at 12:19pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Same to you, love!

    I'm actually spending Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and now Boxing Day sick. =( It's been a while.

    Hope your holidays are going better!
    December 26th, 2013 at 12:06am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I'm not sure if I could get financial help from the government. I probably could, but it could possibly mean more debt.

    Yep, Lebanese. =P And yeah, it's probably a guy thing. XD Damn boys and their damn cars.

    Our mountains get all the snow too, but they're hours away from here. I'd love to be able to step outside and see them in the winter - I can imagine they'd be gorgeous. ^_^ And I'm kinda jealous there! I've never seen snow. And despite hating the cold, I'd really like to see it. It makes for some seriously beautiful photographs.

    And I can't get over snowflakes! How do they even happen!? They're so beautiful!
    December 16th, 2013 at 04:24am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I'm not entirely sure. I know I won't be going back for anything next year. I considered maybe taking the year off and then doing the next photography course, but it would be too expensive and I don't know if I really want to do it. I considered going to uni and doing a Bachelor of Communications or something, so I could get into music journalism, but again - expensive, and I'm building up a portfolio there anyway, and don't really need paperwork to back it.

    I guess time will tell. Maybe I'll do some more short courses on writing. I did my old one through the mail. I could do that again.

    Ha! Here I would say it's the Lebanese people. They tend to have big families, and Lebanese guys stereotypically love their cars.

    Storms in the summer are actually not as great as you think. =P Sure, it's nice to have cool rain falling on you - but it makes the air much, much more humid, so in the end you just end up sticky and even more hot. It's pretty gross. I do love the lightning part of it, though.

    I just looked up the average temperature range for California all year around, and it's actually very similar to Sydney! Our cold months don't hit, like, snowing temperature, but I call them freezing anyway, because I hate the cold. =P That being said, I couldn't live with summer all year either. I prefer the heat over the cold, but my favourite season is autumn - lovely colours and decent weather!
    December 14th, 2013 at 08:59am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Yeah, the school is pretty pathetic. But it's the best training in the country, apparently. And as for whether or not that could affect my grade, I don't think so. My teacher had already seen all of the work, so he knew I'd done it. I'm not sure why we needed to upload files online. It's weird.

    Well, doesn't bother me anymore. I'm not going back, so I'm through with all the crazy.

    The more I think about it, the more I realise that having that many cars isn't really that odd. If my brothers and I all had cars, and my mum's boyfriend moved back in, we'd have five. That's crazy to me, but totally reasonable. And ha! We totally have the same neighbours. XD

    We don't get crazy amounts of rain either, but when we do it's mostly in the spring, I think. And storms in the summer. We don't get much at all in winter! California sounds like a great place to live, though. Seems like it would be warm all year and just overall inviting.
    December 14th, 2013 at 05:25am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Yes, so many teachers. The head teacher got back to me today and confirmed that my mark had been changed, so I'm not worried about that anymore. But when I got home from work, I had two more messages from another of my teachers - both of them telling me that I had not uploaded files to a certain place.

    I had not done this, because nobody ever told us we were supposed to.

    So now my whole class is in our little Facebook group, expressing our annoyance. =P

    Six cars! =O I thought my neighbour was bad! He only has three - one is his, another is his wife's, and the other is his work truck, because he owns his own business. I can't even comprehend a family having six cars. We've only ever had one. Two, if you want to count when my mum's boyfriend lived with us. But never any more than that! ...actually, I lie. My brother had a car once, but he sold it. So I guess that means we had a maximum of three at one point.

    I know the feel of people parking all over the street, too. -_- I mean, what are garages and driveways for? Ugh.

    I forgot, you probably don't get much rain! XD Glad to get you excited again, though!
    December 13th, 2013 at 08:39am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    My other teacher got back to me - said there shouldn't have been a problem with my grades, that he's gone in and fixed it now. But he has no access to the main system, so I have to wait for my OTHER teacher to fix the grade on the system. =P If all goes to plan, it should be fixed by the end of the day. If not, I contact the head teacher and get him to fix it.

    Regardless, I feel much calmer now. I'm even going to try to get some more writing done today.

    Sydney is... Well, I wouldn't call it calm. It's mostly calm in the suburbs. Like my street - a car will come down my street maybe twice in an hour at busy times. But there's a main road just up the street, and that's always got cars along it. I'd call that a busy road, but they get worse.

    In the city, there's always traffic everywhere. But I find that a lot of the time it's at a standstill, it takes you a while to get anywhere, etc. I don't think we get a lot of tourists driving around - most of them walk or use public transport - so it's surely not as busy as L.A., but I guess that's our version of it. =P I guess it's hard to compare when neither of us have seen the traffic in each other's cities!

    Driving in the rain is pretty simple - you just go a little slower than you usually would. And if it gets too bad, obviously, you pull over and wait for it to calm. I'm sure you'll be fine when you get to it. =) The trick is to start out when it's only raining a little, and work your way up.
    December 12th, 2013 at 12:33am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    They're supposed to have a way of keeping track of grades, but I guess they don't use it? And they didn't even tell me now, actually. I checked my grades manually on their website. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have known until the transcript came in the mail - closer to Christmas, when the holidays definitely would have been in effect! And I don't have a number to call them. =/

    But my other teacher did email me back today to say he was looking into it, that it looked like a "mistaken entry", and he would get back to me today. I'm still waiting on that.

    I can't even begin to imagine what traffic is like in L.A. I imagine it would be even worse than Sydney, because it's one of those places that EVERYBODY wants to go. And that would be a seriously long drive via the streets! D= Your mom's poor friend! I guess everybody's just different that way, depending on how they learn really. My mum's instructor never took her driving in the rain either, so she hates driving in the rain - but my first lesson it was drizzling, and I've driven through a downpour, so it doesn't really bother me. =)

    It's all about practice, right?
    December 11th, 2013 at 08:09am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    At the moment, I don't know if it's bad. Basically, I have a fail mark on one of my classes - and one failed class means you fail the whole course. I contacted my teacher to ask what was going on, and he said I had a fail mark on one of my assignments - from MAY. And that I had to contact another of my teachers about it. So I've emailed two other teachers, asking why I've been failed and why I wasn't informed sooner so that I could do something about it - because really, they had six months to tell me and nobody ever breathed a word? It's bullshit.

    Now I have to cross my fingers and hope they actually read my email, because I have work and don't have time to take the hour trip in to the school to see them in person. (Let's not forget there's now only three days until the teachers all go on holiday.)

    I just...ugh. It's shitting me, and it's got me on edge. It shouldn't bother me so much - I went through the course, I learned everything, and that's the main thing. But it took $2,500+ from me, and it would be nice to actually have the piece of paper to show for it, y'know? So. I guess we'll see what happens.

    I'll definitely check out "Day 54". =) I plan on checking out a heap more of their stuff soon!

    Here it depends on where you're going. Most places I go to, we can take the back streets. But when I want to go to concerts and stuff, if somebody drives me, we tend to drive through busy streets in the city, and along one of the highways. Which is why my mum will never drive me to shows. =P She hates highways, and she hates driving in the city.
    December 10th, 2013 at 11:02pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I planned on just writing tonight and not doing anything else, because I was on a roll this morning, but work left me tired and there's an issue with the results for one of my classes that's left me on edge, so I don't feel like writing. Instead, I checked out letlive. - just the few songs on their Facebook page, but I really liked them! I think the best song I listened to was "Muther" or something? It was awesome. XD I can imagine they would be fantastic live!

    Self-publishing is hard work, yes, and it can be expensive. But if you know what you're doing, it can be worthwhile. =) It's my last resort, though, so hopefully it'll never come to that.

    The speed is definitely something scary. 50km/hour is our average speed (around suburban streets and such) for reference. Sometimes when I'm doing 50 I feel like I'm going too slow; other times I feel like I'm going waaaaaay too fast. On one of those days, my instructor took me to a 70km/h area - and I freaked out just a little. As a learner, the fastest I'm allowed to go is 80km/h. Most of our highways have a speed limit of 110km/h.

    I am not looking forward to driving that fast. =|

    I am terrified of crashing, no matter how serious it is. I dread the day that it happens.
    December 10th, 2013 at 11:30am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I'll definitely keep an eye out for them, and check them out when I'm in the mood for some new music. =) Jason Butler - I know that name! Never knew where he was from, though! And thanks for the tip! ^_^

    I have decided that when it comes to being published, it's no longer a matter of "if" for me - it's all a matter of "when". If I can't get traditionally published or find a home with an indie publisher, I will be self-publishing. Because why not, right?

    Never stop asking questions! XD

    My mum won't ever take me driving. She's too nervous. She took my brother out once and he freaked her out, so she told me I had to go with an instructor. =P And that's fine by me, because professionals teach you the things that your parents don't know or don't realise that they're doing. And since going with my instructor, I have paid more attention to my mum's driving and picked up on all the things she does wrong! XD

    I've driven on a highway before, and I felt okay. The way I see it, you're just driving straight - so people don't get too stupid. Of course, the speed is kind of scary, and people changing lanes without looking. But other than that, I actually preferred it to suburban roads. =P But my mum is the opposite - she HATES driving on busy roads, and will go the back way if she has to.
    December 10th, 2013 at 09:31am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I didn't even know that letlive. was a band, so. =P Might have to check them out later!

    I think it's the fact that it's a second draft that's slowing me down. It's something that I want to attempt to get published, so I'm trying to make it perfect. I just need to relax and get it out, really. For the past several days, I've had two paragraphs that I'm happy with. And just now, I've managed to start a third. =) We're making progress!

    Never feel like you're prying! Like I said, your questions get me thinking - and that's really helpful! Explaining things helps me out too, because it helps me put things in order in my own mind. =) And I always try to answer as best I can, often without giving things away. You know me. =P

    Um... I feel kind of confident with my driving. I mean, I haven't learned how to park in a parking spot yet, and my three-point turns are shocking, but other than that I feel okay. It's just the people around me that make me uneasy - I see them do some pretty stupid things! Some guy in a ute was reversing out of a spot one day and didn't see me coming. I was lucky I hit the breaks in time (a second before my instructor hit the breaks, I might add) because any later and I would have hit the idiot.

    How about you? You learn to drive in school, don't you? Are you confident?
    December 9th, 2013 at 10:44pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Oh! And by letlive., did you mean the author on this site? =P
    December 9th, 2013 at 09:58pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    First chapters tend to be difficult. Once I get them out of the way, things should go much smoother. I think it's just knowing that you need a strong beginning to catch people's attention, and I worry that mine are boring at times.

    Your questions amuse me! And also get me thinking, no lie. And they're helpful. =) So thank you.

    Soon enough, we'll both be able to drive, and things will start looking up! =) You'd best stop procrastinating and get on it!
    December 9th, 2013 at 10:37am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I just work on whatever story I feel like working on at the time. But as I've said before, they're all giving me trouble on their first chapters right now. =P I wouldn't mind posting first drafts, but all three of these were written for NaNoWriMo (The Angel of Vengeance for Camp NaNo back in April), so the quality is quite bad and the chapters are all over the place. =/

    Mm, not exactly. I mean, sure - when Zoe has these dreams, she wants to save these people. She often wonders if that's why she has the dreams in the first place - because she's supposed to save them. But the story's no really about her trying to save people from her dreams - except when it comes to her father, of course. =P You'll see. Soon, I hope.

    I completely agree! Most people I know can already drive themselves around everywhere, but I'm still learning. Here, you get your learner license first, and you have to do 120 hours of practice driving (with a fully licensed driver) before you can attempt anything more. I've done ~40 hours at the moment.

    Life in general is stressful, I'm finding. =/ I think we all just need a nice, long break.
    December 9th, 2013 at 03:56am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    You seriously make me blush. ^_^

    I'd love to eventually start posting Everwill too, but I have to start the re-write first. =P That's how it is with all three of my stories at the moment. So I guess we'll just have to see how we go.

    I just didn't like the way the prologue was written - I do like what happened in it. ;) The main character's name is Zoe Halsman. And basically, she has prophetic dreams of people dying. The death of Hayden and his family is just the latest dream that she's had. I wrote the prologue to show the dream she was having, which would have been three or so days before the event actually happens, and then the first chapter starts after the family are dead. Hayden still gets mentioned in the chapter, but it's nobody of great importance to the story.

    I completely understand what you're saying, because I get like that, too. Half way through my photography course, I started to doubt myself - can I really do this for a living? Am I good enough? Am I just wasting my time? I still haven't decided, but at least the course is done now and I'm not in any debt. At the moment I'm just focusing on getting my license, and then I'll be looking for a full time job.

    I saw Of Mice & Men with Bring Me The Horizon - they were pretty good! XD And I agree. After concerts too, I always want to go home and start writing songs, and learning to play instruments again. That feeling usually lasts for a few days. =P
    December 8th, 2013 at 05:53am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Aww, Steph. You - and people like you - are the reason that I bother to post my work online. ^_^ You always manage to pick me up when I'm down.

    Yes, the hiatus is definitely a good thing. I might have to do them more often (though not too often!) in the future.

    I don't know if I've ever mentioned my 2012 NaNo novel. I know I've mentioned my 2011, Everwill (about a half-angel girl and her brother on the run from people). My 2012 NaNo, Seasons, is about four teens who find themselves in the land of the fae, but I won't reveal why just yet. ;) Hopefully I'll have a summary for it soon.

    I actually really didn't like that prologue! (Which is why I have removed it.) It's still completely relevant to the story, as Hayden Parker and his family still die in a house fire at the beginning, but I've cut the prologue out entirely. So I guess the people who have read it just get a sneak peek that future readers won't. =P

    Don't try to rush your decisions, and don't let your family dictate your life. I was always scrutinized by people because I wasn't doing anything after I left school, just working my crappy part-time job. But I didn't want to go to university and study something that I wouldn't end up needing in life, and therefore would have wasted ~$20,000 on. I waited five years before I decided to go off and study photography.

    I feel like the wait was worthwhile.

    The Devil Wears Prada are amazing live! XD I'm not a huge fan, but I saw them with A Day To Remember and loved it. ^_^ And of course, concerts are always great!
    December 7th, 2013 at 11:55am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Steph! =D

    Don't feel bad for not knowing! I'm flattered that you cared enough to notice that I hadn't been updating. ^_^

    I've never taken a break from writing or posting before, and I'm finding the experience to be really good for me. I won't lie - I haven't really got much writing done lately (besides NaNoWriMo, but I'm not counting that because it wasn't really constructive). I've pretty much put Catch Me As I Fall on the backburner. I don't know if I want to write it anymore, so we'll see what happens there. I started trying to re-write my NaNo 2012 novel, too. It's called Seasons, and I'm hoping it will be making an appearance next year. =)

    My main focus right now is The Angel Of Vengeance. I've tried starting the first chapter literally at least ten times, and never really get anywhere. It wasn't until yesterday (seriously!) that I got out a first paragraph that I was happy with, so I'm slowly moving on from there. =)

    As per usual, I want to have at least a few chapters written before I post anything, so I have a long way to go. But I have high hopes that I'll have something new for you in January. =)

    You've made me want to go back and re-read CIM myself. XD But I need to write, not read!

    How have YOU been? What's new in the world of Steph?
    December 6th, 2013 at 09:23am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Stephie! Thank you so, so, so, so much for the fantastic story comment on Lost! ^_^ You know that I have always loved hearing from you, and this is no exception.

    I don't want to believe it's the end either, but it is. Although, I do have a few ideas of what happens in the future, so I'll get to that in a moment!

    Loralie is a weird one. I actually intended to have her in the story more, but it never happened the way I planned. So I leave it to everybody imagination as to how their relationship started and will progress. But I want everybody to know that she is good for Lysander. She won't use him like a certain other person did, because she isn't like that. And why would she need him when her sister is close friends with McKenna? =)

    I considered making it Gena who got pregnant, but it was stated in the story that Matt and Val had been trying, so I decided to bless them instead. ^_^

    And now, since you're so sad to see the end, I give you the future, as it has always played in my mind:

    After he graduates, Lysander goes on tour with Zacky for a year, so he can see the world and whatnot before he goes to college. Kieran does indeed move to California, and the two of them and Jack live together as they go through college.

    Lysander becomes an architect, marries Loralie, and they have three children together. ;) Zacky and Gena have two children together, and Lysander loves them just like a brother should.

    Well, I'll leave this here. ;) Thanks again, love!
    September 16th, 2013 at 08:14am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Ha ha! Well, I stuck with writing it the way I had planned it from the beginning. Though I can't deny that I toyed with the idea of killing Lysander - leaving Zacky exactly where he had been before the story started, but with this life-altering experience in place. But I couldn't be that mean. I came to love Lysander too much, and he needed his happy ending.

    Oh, you got that wrong! I guess I wasn't very clear with my summary, huh? XD Catch Me As I Fall is supposed to be similar to Crash Into Me in the fact that it's going to be a high school romance. Spoiler alert: Zacky's actually going to be her next door neighbour. =) And yes, she'll definitely have a scar. I actually didn't plan that until I wrote it, either. =P This is a story where I'm making up most of it as I go along, so I'm about as informed as you at the moment!

    I'm hoping The Angel Of Vengeance is a success. I even posted a link to it (on Wattpad, though) on my Facebook so my real-life friends can read it, which is a huge step for me! =| Fingers crossed!
    September 8th, 2013 at 12:19pm