Steph V. / Comments

  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Ha ha ha! By the time you posted that comment, I'd already finished the final chapter. I'm not too happy with the final two chapters (or 32 and the epilogue, as they now are) but they're done, and that's what matters. It's time to move on to bigger, better things. As soon as I can come up with the ideas.

    Had they argued at the end of that chapter, not much would have changed, really. The next chapter would still have been exactly the same - they would have made up pretty quickly because, well...she gets pretty upset over something, and it's in Zacky's nature to comfort her. =P God, I should just post that chapter now, before I go ahead and spoil it. Maybe I will. Update after only three days?

    I'm still desperately trying to work out how I could work a sequel, even one as short as three chapters. Zacky and Haylie's story is definitely not finished, but I just don't know how to continue it. I mean, I know how I'd start the next one - it's an idea I've had since I wrote the original - but the start is all I have. I guess I have a little time before I have to announce whether or not there'll be one. I'll keep thinking on it, attempting to write something.

    Lost kinda went on hold while I finished Crash..., but after I finished the final chapter of that last night, I went back to Lost and tried to work through the small bout of writer's block I had. The result? I managed to finish chapter eight. ;) I'm going to work on chapter nine today, so hopefully there'll be an update on that very soon. It's been a little too long since I've posted one!

    I'm amazed at all the writing I got done this week. Like, chapter after chapter after chapter. Now I need some new ideas! ...actually, that gives me an idea. I wonder what all you lovely readers think. ;) Off to update Crash again now.
    June 9th, 2012 at 03:20am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Never fear, Stephanie's here! Thanks so much for the story comment, love! XD

    When I originally wrote the chapter, I had them arguing at the end. So I guess this was an improvement. As for will they kiss soon, well...yes, they will. But I'm not telling you when. =P

    And you might not like this, but I literally started the last chapter of the story this morning. It's likely it'll be done by the end of the weekend, simply because I've run out of ideas. D= I'm debating on a sequel, though. I don't have any huge ideas for that, but I think I might be able to manage something like a three-shot. We'll see.

    I'm really sad to be seeing it end, too. =( I kinda don't want it to. I'll need to come up with a new brilliant idea, but at the moment...I've got nothing.

    Anyway, thanks again!

    June 8th, 2012 at 11:09am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Your comments are always amazing. I'm serious.

    And there was no bad grammar in that sentence. XD

    When I posted the original version, I actually classified it as a self-insertion. So Haylie WAS me. But I hate self-insertions. They just don't sit right with me. So in writing it this time, I tried to separate myself from the character. She still kept the name of my alter-ego, but we're somewhat different now. I hope. =P

    I wanted to post another teaser on Tumblr this morning, but I couldn't find a suitable line in the chapter. =P I'll have to look again when I get back home tonight.

    Anyway, I gotta run. But thanks again!
    May 30th, 2012 at 09:07am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks so much for the story comment, love!

    Seems like everybody's tired today. Regardless, your comment was amazing, as always. =)

    Ha ha, I totally forgot about the teaser. XD Nice to know you guessed it, though! I guess that means my characters have at least a little bit of personality. =)

    I wish I was Haylie, too. I mean, she is sort of based off myself, but I wish I had the amazing family that she has. I don't get along hugely with anybody in my family except my mum. Ah well.

    Chapter twenty-seven is already a flop, but that's okay. Sometimes they have to be. And I'm already planning twenty-eight, and hopefully it will make up for it.

    Anyway, thanks so much, hun! XD

    May 29th, 2012 at 09:54am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Yeah, my brothers are like that. They use the word faggot a lot, and I'm constantly telling them off for it. My mum doesn't have an issue with it - she knows that a few of the guys I work with are gay, and she treats them no differently, doesn't disrespect them. I don't know where my brothers get it. I think it's mostly a guy thing.

    I'm hoping that Jack and Lysander's friendship continues to be something that you love - 'cause that's what I'm going for. I don't want it to turn into one of those boring relationships where it's like, "Oh, there's his best friend again..." So we'll see how that goes.

    Anyway, thank you again! ^_^ And I'm glad your day got better! Bad days are just...ugh.
    May 22nd, 2012 at 09:29am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    As always, thank you so much for the story comment, love!

    I'm sorry to hear that you weren't having a great day. =( I guess it has to happen on occasion, and I'm glad I did something to make it just that little bit better. I hope everything starts looking up again when the sun rises.

    Homophobia irritates me. Of course, I'm a firm believer that everybody is entitled to their own opinion - as long as they don't try to push it on me. You can believe that Hitler was right about the Jews, you can believe that the KKK were a great organisation, you can believe that Satan walks among us and he's God. And I'll sit around and let you tell me all these things with a smile and a nod, but I'll never believe them for myself. So I understand that some people want to think that being gay is wrong, that it shouldn't happen, etc., etc. And that's something about people that will never change. I have no doubt in my mind that marriage between same sex couples will be legalised (since this story is set in 2015, maybe it already has been!) but it will never change the way people think. And thus, we have bullies.

    Jack is brave for having come out, despite the fact that there are people like that around. It was only fair that he be rewarded with a friend who's both understanding and willing to defend him. And yes, Zacky would have been proud - by Ly doesn't know that. ;)

    Anyway, I have to get ready for school, but thank you as always!

    May 21st, 2012 at 01:12am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Better late than never. ;) Thank you so much for the story comment, love!

    And it makes perfect sense, so nothing to worry about. =) And you've hit on something that comes up in future chapters - how can she leave Lance when he's going through such a hard time? =P Sucks to be her, right?

    Anyway, this is just a quick comment, 'cause I'm about to go out, but I had to say my thank yous. =) Also, I'm hoping to update Lost sometime soon. I need to re-write all the chapters, though! I was focusing on CIM, and I've finally re-written all the chapters I lost for that, so I should be turning my attention to Lost this weekend (hopefully).

    Again, thank you, hun! I always look forward to your comments!

    May 11th, 2012 at 09:47am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Noo, they didn't say. But to be fair, the pain is pretty unpredictable. A lot of women get these cysts and never even notice. Sometimes it can cause a late or missed period. And then sometimes you get the pain.

    Last month, as you know, I spent a week with the pain. This month I only got the pain for one day, and then my period was late by a week. So there's no way of knowing what'll happen.

    And that irritates me, but I guess it's out of anybody's control. =P
    April 21st, 2012 at 09:03am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    So, my doctor said that hopefully the cyst WILL go away on its own. I have to have another ultrasound in about four weeks to make sure it does, but yay! No surgery! =D
    April 21st, 2012 at 05:21am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Some of them do go away on their own, yes. Maybe they'll tell me to wait and see what happens. But considering that I've had this AT LEAST for a month already, and it's still fairly large, things might go a different direction.

    I see a doctor about it tomorrow, so I'll let you know what happens. =)
    April 20th, 2012 at 02:57am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks so much for the story comment, hun. ^_^ As always, you've got everything pretty much spot on. And I won't go ahead and spoil anything for you. ;)

    Just a short comment, but you'll also be the first on here to know that I've had my ultrasound, and I do indeed have a cyst. A large one, apparently. I'm going to a doctor on Saturday to see what has to be done about it. Surgery is a possibility. So if I vanish for a while, that would be why.

    Thanks again, hun. =)

    April 19th, 2012 at 09:03am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Writing a story is a lot of work, yes. But if you love doing something, is it really work? For me, writing is a passion. And I've been doing it for so long now that I literally can't imagine my life without it. I just wouldn't know what to do with myself. D=

    I've learned not to listen to haters. And it's not just the U.S. - people here are hopeless with spelling and grammar, too. It doesn't help that Australia and the U.K. spell things like colour with a u, either. Or the whole organisation s vs. z thing. Ugh. But even aside from that.

    One of the managers at my work is really bad with it. Everytime she puts a new sign up on our noticeboard, I read through it just to find out what mistake she's made this time. She always does, without fail. It's like a trademark now. And scrolling through Facebook just depresses me because people are hopeless.

    Endings are hard, because you can never please everybody. =( To this day, I don't think I've ever read a book with an ending so complete that I felt nothing more had to be written. Ah well.
    March 31st, 2012 at 08:08am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I'm hoping to get another chapter out soon, but the truth is it may take a little while. I had a fifth chapter all written out and completed, but then I decided that something in the chapter had happened a little too soon - so I turned it into chapter seven and started five from scratch. The thing is, I still haven't finished chapter six. D= So I have a complete five, incomplete six, and a complete seven. XD At least when I get six done I'll be fine!

    I'm glad you don't think I sound egotistical - that's a nightmare for me. I always get scared that people will think I think so highly of myself. On the other website that I write on, I started posting little writing lessons at one point - simply because people were always asking me for help with grammar and dialogue and such. While most of the feedback I got was fantastic and I got a lot of thanks, there were of course the people who saw it as me saying that I was better than everybody else - which is entirely untrue. Anybody who knows me could tell you how insecure I am about my own work. So that was hurtful, but in the end it didn't really matter. I don't care what the haters think - I care what people like you think. =)

    I'm excited for Crash... to be done so I'll be able to focus completely on Lost (and the original fiction I should be working on, if I ever get back to it), but truth be told I'll sort of be sorry to see it go, too. But all things must come to an end eventually, right?

    As always, you're awesome. XD Anyway, I'm about to pass out (it's been a long day) so I'll talk to ya later. ;)

    March 26th, 2012 at 01:21pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    As always, your comment has absolutely made my morning. =) So thank you!

    I don't see Lysander as the sort of guy who views girls that way. I like to think that it would come from seeing his sister objectified that way and hating guys for it, so he doesn't do it himself. He grew up in a house with two women - he learned from an early age to respect them, and then situations like that would only have reinforced it. And in the long run, this is another reason why he and Jack will be such great friends.

    Jack...was a sort of spur of the moment character, but he's already one of my favourites. You'll find out soon enough why he has issues with bullies. In fact, I think I'm going to reveal it in the chapter I'm currently working on (chapter six, if I remember correctly) so there you go. =)

    And you absolutely do make sense. XD

    I don't want to sound egotistical, but again - I agree. I think this story deserves more feedback. Of course I'm happy with the feedback it already has - four chapters with over 80 subscribers and I think this was the 27th comment, when I see a lot of stories with 50+ chapters that are lucky to have any at all. But when I compare it to Crash Into Me, it sort of makes me sad. I see Lost as the better work right now, but Crash... is the one that gets all the attention.

    Ah well. I guess people prefer high school romances. Not that I'm saying there won't be any of that in this...

    Anyway, I'd best get ready for work. My first day back in over a week! =) Thanks again, hun!

    March 21st, 2012 at 10:59pm
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I won't go into too much detail here either, but...

    Last night I spent three hours in the hospital. I got home at 1am and went straight to bed - where I got no sleep, because I was in unimaginable pain all night long. So today for me has been pretty horrific. It's just past 3pm now, and I've only just managed to get outta bed and get some food into myself.

    So when I say now that you've just made my day, I seriously mean it. I think I just smiled for the first time in over 24 hours.

    I'm really glad that you enjoyed the original. ^_^ I hope the re-write turns out just as well, if not better.

    Anyway, I'd better get back to bed before I pass out. But thank you!

    March 18th, 2012 at 05:14am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Come to think of it, I do still have the original. Safe on my old site, because it always messed up on FanWorks and people were forever asking me to read it.

    I should mention, the new version will probably be shorter. And, of course, different. ;) But there's the original for if you really want it.
    March 16th, 2012 at 08:30am
  • SleepyHallow1996

    SleepyHallow1996 (100)

    United States
    Thank you for this comment, and I plan big for this story. It's going to be a roller coster with a few big bangs :)
    March 15th, 2012 at 01:49am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks for the story comment, hun! And you're right - it was absolutely necessary.

    You get to see an interaction between Haylie and Zacky soon. I promise. ;) And I think you're gonna like it, too. 0=)

    Not going to lie - in the original version, Matt DID find out before everybody else. The same day that the whole story with Mr Baker came out, for the record. But this didn't fit there. So.

    Mm, no word on how long the friendship between her and Lance will last. ;) You'll see.

    Anyway, thanks again! ;)

    March 14th, 2012 at 07:58am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! for the fantastic story comment, as always! ^_^

    I always planned on taking things this far between them - I think it's sort of expected and cliché in a way, but whatever. People like it. I like it. So it's there. And I won't lie, it's one of my favourite chapters so far as well. ;)

    I never considered having a confrontation between them here, and I feel stupid for that. =P But I suppose Zacky's anger was directed at Haylie, so he didn't pay Lance much attention. Perhaps in the future.

    You do indeed get to see Brian's reaction - in the very next chapter! =) I won't say anything more on it.

    I try to imagine it playing out as a movie as I write it, so maybe that's why it's easy sometimes to see it as one. That's where I get some of my descriptive inspiration from. ;)

    Anyway, thank you again, hun!

    March 1st, 2012 at 10:54am
  • Katrina ;

    Katrina ; (100)

    Thanks so much for the comment, lovely.
    February 25th, 2012 at 06:46pm