Steph V. / Comments

  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Mm...he hasn't ALWAYS been this way. It sort of started when he was fourteen or fifteen. I think it was because my dad hasn't been around for...sixteen years now, so my eighteen-yo brother figured he would take on the roll of the man of the house. And men are supposed to be better than women, aren't they? So you should hear the way he speaks to my mother. Fuck this, and fuck that. He's even called her a bitch on several occasions. It's horrible. And when I bring up the fact that she's his mother and he should respect her, he throws it back in my face and says that SHE should respect HIM. He's a bastard, seriously. It's getting better now that my mum's boyfriend is living with us, though.

    I remember watching IT. XD I'm not a huge fan of clowns because of it, but it didn't really scare me. I do avoid the drains in the streets, though. =P Ahh, that movie. As if clowns weren't already bad enough.

    It's gloomy here today. The sky's grey, but it hasn't rained yet. I've been hearing thunder on and off all morning, so it's probably not far away. I love thunderstorms. Lightning, too. Whenever we have lightning recently, I've been running outside with my camera, but I can never get any decent shots. =( One day, though...

    Sunscreen helps most of the time, but at Soundwave...there was literally NO SHADE. So I had no choice but to stay in the sun, even when I knew I was burned to a crisp. A friend of mine had a huge bottle of sunscreen that we were using, but we all still burned. -_- I suppose you'd have a constant tan, given how the weather is there. =P The line left by the shirt would be annoying, though.
    January 21st, 2012 at 02:24am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Yep, my brother's younger than me. In fact, I have two brothers - both younger. The one I've been talking about is currently sixteen. The other's eighteen, and he thinks he's the king of the world - does what he wants, when he wants, doesn't care what people say. Blehh.

    I'd share my mum with you! XD By the sounds of it, she'd love you. You have heaps in common. She's a total movie buff. =P

    E.T. sorta gave me nightmares too, but I have a good excuse. I was four-years-old, and my night-light had a blue lightbulb. =| So as you can imagine, if I woke up in the room was completely blue. I also had a stuffed E.T. sitting at the end of my bed. Reeeeeally not a good mix. XD

    Ugh, I'd looooove to see California... I think the weather there would be perfect. It doesn't matter how hot summers get here - I still prefer them over winter. It doesn't snow in Sydney at all, and the temperature doesn't get THAT low, but I still can't stand the cold. So yeah...I get sick of the heat sometimes, but I'd take it over the alternative anyday. ;)

    I don't generally go outside in the heat, either. I have sensitive skin, so I burn pretty badly. I still have a tanline from when I went to Soundwave Festival in 2010. I don't usually tan. But in this instance, I burned to the point that my skin was red as a tomato, it took a few weeks to fade, and when it did my skin was two different colours thanks to where my shirt had been. =| In fact, I have an old picture of the burn!! XD Blurry, but you get the point. As you can see, my hand also got sunburnt.

    And that is why I avoid the sun. o.o
    January 20th, 2012 at 09:51am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Yep, we all have our preferrences. But try telling that to my brother. He's the sort of kid who likes watching TV shows that don't have any plot.

    I love my mum, and she's definitely awesome. She loves horror, she loves reading, she loves Johnny Depp. She loves Pretty Little Liars and The Secret Circle. =P Sometimes it's like having a sister.

    I guess I'm just easily scared, then. XD I looked up The Fourth Kind too, and that was how I found out it wasn't real. But it's still in the back of my mind that we know nothing about E.T.s, so it scares me. Hell, "Signs" scared me. Y'know, the movie with Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix? And that wasn't a scary movie at all. And War of the Worlds with Cruise and Fanning gave me nightmares. Like, seriously? That's embarrassing. =P

    Yeah, this is normal weather for us. I remember working on New Year's Day once and it hit 45*C. That's...113*F. It doesn't usually get much hotter than that. Generally, Summer in Sydney is around 30-35*C (86-95*F). I like to laugh at my British friend when she complains about the weather hitting the late 20's. =P
    January 20th, 2012 at 07:47am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Well, at least your sister sounds lovely. My brother thinks I'm an idiot because I'd rather read a book than watch a movie.

    I'm a huge horror fan, too. XD I was raised on Stephen King movies, basically. Mum's a huge fan. But the Rake scared the living hell out of me. It's probably not even real, but there you go. And truth be told, movies about aliens give me nightmares. I can deal with everything but that. I think maybe because most things we see in books (vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc.) all have pretty firm law surrounding them - but aliens are completely unknown, and that terrifies me. =| My brother made me watch "The Fourth Kind" and told me it was a true story. I wanted to strangle the little brat.

    Work was not fun. It's about a hundred degrees today and our air conditioning broke down. =P And to make matters worse, I work at McDonald's - so there was heat everywhere!
    January 19th, 2012 at 09:32am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I love books. ;) I used to just go to a library for them, but I hate return dates, not being able to re-read, etc. Plus, buying books, my mum borrows them all from me anyway.

    How could anybody like New Moon? Blehh!

    You'll love the Hunger Games. ;) I've never found a book that scared me so much I wasn't able to sleep. I did recently read about something online, though. I couldn't sleep for a good three days afterwards - not a good thing. Have you ever heard of "The Rake"? It's some sort of creature, there's not much info on it. But the stuff I found, wow. I couldn't sleep. =P

    Yeah, some guys are idiots. Ah well. Not much we can do about that.

    We'll both find somebody. ;) Is that you in your picture? Because if it is, you look absolutely beautiful to me. <3 And just talking to you for these past few days, I know that you're kind and smart and everything that anybody could ever ask for. =)

    I have to run to work now (or I'm gonna be late, whoops) but I'll talk to ya later! ;)
    January 19th, 2012 at 01:04am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Yeah, I refuse to read ebooks - the only electronic books I read are stories on sites like this. ;) I buy A LOT of books. Seriously, I have so many that I don't have room on my shelves for them anymore. So my grandchildren will definitely know what books are. XD

    New Moon irritated me as well. There was just too much whining, ugh. And Bella's supposed to be a strong, independant woman? She moped about her boyfriend the entire time, jumped off a cliff, then went to Italy to save him? Really? I just can't believe that.

    Mm, it really depends on what you like to read. For me, I love young adult sci-fi and fantasy. From those genres, I'd recommend the Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr (about faeries), the Unearthly triology by Cynthia Hand (about angels), the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead (about...vampires, surprise!)... I also HIGHLY recommend the Hunger Games trilogy. I love every single second of them. ...except the very, very end. They're still fantastic, though. ;)

    Oh, I had an online relationship once, too. But that's one that I REALLY don't count as a boyfriend. He lived in Mexico or something. We met on a fanfiction site. After we started "going on", he stole all my characters and wrote his own story with them. He also constantly sent me photos of all his other girlfriends. So. That lasted about three days.

    Nope, it happens worldwide. =/ For me, I don't know what more I can do to look appealing. I refuse to dress like a skank and I don't like wearing make-up because it gives me acne. I have a few pimples here and there, but nothing serious. I'm naturally skinny, I'm on the short side, I'm relatively smart. But no guys. I'm hoping to get into school again this year (as you already know) and I'm half hoping I'll meet somebody there if I do. Only half hoping.

    We can be forever alone together. (=
    January 18th, 2012 at 07:43am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I never thought about it that way, but you're right - it will be a lovely story to tell the grandkids. XD And then they'll probably ask, "What's a book?" D=

    Ah, Twilight. I remember reading that. I loved it the first time I did. The second time it was more like, ", this guy has some series issues." Breaking Dawn got thrown across the room when I was half-way through it. o.o I really, really dislike S. Meyer as a writer. And the fact that she said Edward and Bella's romance was greater than Romeo and Juliet's really irked me. But I won't rant about Twilight. We'd be here forever if I did. sound...a lot like me. I debate over whether to say my first boyfriend really was a boyfriend as well. I was sixteen at the time, our relationship only lasted three weeks before I called it off, and we never kissed or did anything. We went on one date. And I only went out with him because he was (literally) texting me until 3am, and everybody was sort of expecting it. I was an idiot. Sort of a blow to my self-esteem too, knowing he only dated me because he was desperate. And the day after we broke up, he was hitting on my best friend over MSN.

    Boys only notice girls with big boobs who wear hardly any clothing. =/ It really is quite sad.
    January 17th, 2012 at 09:28am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    You fangirled at the comment? XD Awesome! And I'm glad it makes you happy. =) But it's nothing but the truth. I look forward to your comments. ^_^

    I know what you mean about not knowing you enjoy reading until you really start. I was never much of a reader as a kid (though I suppose it was because I was a kid) and then a girl in my class told me I should read Harry Potter. So I did, and I've just never stopped reading. It probably helps that my mum's a huge reader, so it's sort of in my blood. My middle name even came from a book my mum was reading when she was pregnant with me. =P

    Dude, high five! I'm so glad it's not just me! =D And yeah, seriously. I was playing Xbox with my friend the other day and we met a twelve-year-old boy who asked us if we had boyfriends/girlfriends. We both said no, we'd only ever had one each, and he laughed at us and said, "I'm only twelve and I've already had four!"

    Really? Is that something to be proud of? I think not.

    But it'll happen eventually, for both of us. ;) One of my friends is actually jealous of me. She says that because I'm older now, it'll be better. It won't just be some trivial little moment in my life. I've had time to come to terms with what it really means, and I've waited - so that'll make it all even better. =) So maybe you can take something away from that, too. It tends to help me when I feel embarassed about it.

    As long as inspiration keeps up, chapters should flow better and therefore be posted faster. ;) But you're right, that will mean it ends sooner. But still, at least then you wouldn't have to wait for the updates. =P

    January 17th, 2012 at 05:34am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Well, you amuse me. XD I think you've fast become my favourite commenter on Mibba! And so far on here, nobody's really mentioned Lance. I don't think anybody has on the other site on post on, too. Only on the original. I guess we'll see if anybody does in future.

    You're absolutely right. All the writers I know are much like I am - we look at our work and we're just never happy with it. But it's a good thing in a way. I'd rather have something to work towards than think I'm amazing. =P And I'm sure you have a brilliant imagination! XD All it needs is a work out.

    I'll definitely keep thinking about that sequel. ;) Just for you.

    Haha! Don't get me wrong, they were ALWAYS going to kiss. I just wasn't sure when. I hadn't planned on it for the chapter I was working on, but in the end it worked out pretty well with the chapter. So it's win-win for us all. XD I think maybe I was just putting it off because kissing scenes are awkward for me. It doesn't matter how many times I read them, I always feel weird writing them. Because I myself haven't ever been kissed. =| Odd for somebody my age, but it's all good. It'll happen when it happens.

    I'm hoping to start posting the chapters more often now (no promises, but hoping) so hopefully you'll get it really soon. ;)

    January 16th, 2012 at 10:07am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Okay, where to start? =P As always - thank you so, so much for the story comment. XD It's always exciting to see that you've commented, because you say some of the most amusing things. =P

    You wanted something to happen between Haylie and Lance, huh? I guess that's one way this version differs from the original. In the original, everybody HATED Lance the moment he was introduced. And I hadn't given them any reason to. It was more the fact that there was a second guy in her life that she might take an interest in that annoyed people. =P So no, it's not a bad thing. But you may come to think that it is.

    It's great to hear that it's one of your faves. ^_^ I hope it continues to be, though I'll probably forever be complaining about how I think the chapters are horrible. That's just me being me. As long as the readers like them, I suppose that's what matters.

    At the moment, I think I might do the sequel. I'll need to come up with a proper plot though, because at the moment I only know what happens in the beginning. Heh.

    And I will admit, due to high demand, they've now kissed. =P So you'll see it coming very soon.

    Thanks again, love!

    January 16th, 2012 at 04:35am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    ...yeah, reading the original would have told you a lot. Heh. The two versions are extremely different, and yet so alike. The main plot is still the same, the ending will still be the same - but getting to the end is going differently.

    I decided to re-write it for a few reasons. Firstly, because I was quite fond of the original but felt that I didn't completely do it justice. I tend to do that a lot - more stories start out great, and then go downhill. =/ Second, because I had no fresh ideas, so re-writes sounded like a good idea. Third, because I left a very crucial part of the plot unfinished in the original - I stupidly forgot to mention what happened to Zacky's father in the end. =P Now, this wasn't COMPLETELY unintentional. It was done because at the time I was planning a sequel. But I never got around to said sequel, and so now it just looks unprofessional. So I started re-writing knowing that I was going to turn it into a stand-alone story. And now I'm thinking of writing the sequel again. I'm so indecisive. =|

    I couldn't tell you how many chapters there's going to be, because I really don't know. I'm working on chapter twenty-one at the moment, but I think there's still a fair way to go. I don't know. I'm all over the place with it at it at the moment. I've reached that point in time where I've started to hate it. =P

    As for spoilers...the scene I'm working on at this very moment is one I think you (and everybody else, for that matter) will really enjoy. ;)

    January 15th, 2012 at 12:14am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I can totally imagine you sitting there flailing while screaming, "NOOOOO!!" XD Oh, the amusement I feel in this moment...

    It still feels early in the story for me too, but it shouldn't - because really, the original only reached 34 chapters. I don't plan on it being any longer than that now. =|

    There's much to come between them soon, I promise. But as usual, I won't spoil anything. Though I am very, very tempted...

    And I'll definitely be getting another update out soon, because things are flowing fairly alright at the moment. ;)

    January 13th, 2012 at 09:48am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks so much for the story comment, hun! You had me laughing. XD

    I'm glad that you hate Pattington, 'cause he's just an ass. End of story. Everybody hates Franklin, though really - he's only doing his job. I suppose the fact that I hate counsellors sort of influences the way that I write him, though. My bad. =P

    Yep, that's high school. Especially when I like to think that they're a pretty tight community, even if they are in such a popular area.

    Everybody wants to see them get together. XD You're the first person to suggest that I might just be teasing. =P That amuses me muchly. I won't spoil anything. You'll see.

    Thanks again, hun. =) And thank you for the luck. Hoping to have another update soon.

    January 12th, 2012 at 09:23am
  • Katrina ;

    Katrina ; (100)

    Thanks for the comment, lovely.
    January 5th, 2012 at 02:03am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks so much for the story comment, hun! XD

    I try to keep things as close to the truth as I can, with the obvious exceptions. And that means that the band doesn't yet exist, because the story's set around 1997, 1998... But I have another reason for them not having come together yet. I did it in the original too, in case I wanted to write the sequel - which I'm still undecided about. We'll see how things go.

    Again, thank you so much!

    January 3rd, 2012 at 12:27am
  • SleepyHallow1996

    SleepyHallow1996 (100)

    United States
    Happy Hoildays to you as well :) I'm so happy to hear that you like my story, Been To Hell and I will probably update tomorrow.
    December 25th, 2011 at 02:59am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Ha, thank you so much for your kind words, hun! XD I'm so glad that you enjoyed the chapter, and no problem for not making the wait long. =P Hopefully the chapters will be coming frequently. No promises though.

    Merry Christmas!

    December 24th, 2011 at 11:15am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thanks so much for the story comment, hun! And for the enthusiasm! =)

    It's nice to hear these things, especially when I start to doubt myself and what I'm writing. I don't think the next few chapters are all that great, but I'm hoping everybody will enjoy them. That being said, I won't spoil anything. =#

    Again, thank you very much. ^_^ I'll try to update again soonish.

    December 15th, 2011 at 07:56am
  • cardiotoxicity

    cardiotoxicity (100)

    New Zealand
    thank you so much for commenting. you have no idea how much i appreciate it. xx
    December 8th, 2011 at 10:40am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    Thank you so much for the story comment, hun!

    I'm glad you're scared for Zacky. ;) That being said, I'll try not to make the wait for the next chapter too long.

    Thank you again!

    December 3rd, 2011 at 04:04am