Currently digging a hole as we speak... (~_~;)

So, as of currently I'm finding myself slipping back into another depression...Here's why, my summer pretty much sucked, (Besides the A7X concert I went to, that, saved my life this summer.) i've had to watch my siblings pretty much everyday. One is fourteen and practically a sociopath, a seven year old who is so spoiled rotten he makes me really wanna rip my hair out and the newest addition, a...
September 1st, 2013 at 08:12am

Just a random blurb because I can't sleep ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

(Warning! The person who wrote this has ADHD so this will jump around a bit. Sorry.)Its strange to find myself up and awake at almost 2 in the morning and yet it's not... I don't like writing about personal stuff and putting it out there for people to read because honestly I feel like it's a waste of others space to do that cause honestly probably 3 people will read this and it'll just end up...
July 30th, 2013 at 07:55am