Cupid Ain't Got Nothing On Us

She's in high school, at the football game.She sees this boy and she asks for his name.He tells her and wants to walk around for awhile.She replies with a nod and one of those smiles.The next weekend they're going out on a date.The time rolls around and it's finally eight.He walks her up to the door of her house.He kisses her and she gets more butterflies than she can count.Now she's sitting alone...
November 26th, 2011 at 05:07am

A Random iPod Game To Play! :3

Turn your music player, or library on shuffle and let the titles answer these questions:1. What's great about your life?Say Goodbye To Warning2. What's your life motto?Turn Me On3. What do you do when your bored?HollerTillYouPassOut4. What do you and your best friend do best?The Wonder Years5. When your mad, what do you yell out?IBeatGirlsAtSports6. What do you think of your life?In Too Deep7....
November 24th, 2011 at 05:50am

What Do I Really See?

I've been different lately. Alot different. My bestfriend even noticed, and she doesn't seem to like it, but she doesn't complain. She still loves me. I used to coat my face in makeup just to feel pretty. I would always wear baggy clothes to feel skinnier than I really was. I hid everything. Now, I've met this guy, and I slacked off on the makeup and I actually wore name brand clothes. As I...
November 15th, 2011 at 05:29am

''It Seems The Wind Blows My Chances Away Each Time..''

I realized today that my hopes..need to be lowered. Nothing ever fucking goes right for me, and I feel like shit. I've been going on for almost two years now without seeing the one guy I want, and to try to get him out of my mind, I try to make myself happy with another person. I talked to someone all day today, and apparently, they don't wanna talk to me anymore. Well, just rub more salt into my...
November 6th, 2011 at 03:16am

''It's Like It Never Happened...''

It's been a year and two months. I haven't seen his face since..But it's almost like it doesn't even matter now. He isn't forgotten, no, not under any circumstance. He's just a figment of my imagination at the moment. Yet, so close as to his warmth on my heart. I'm lost. He's got the map, and won't give it up. Or, it seems that way.I'm all hung up over him, and he's a selfish act in my life. Only...
November 3rd, 2011 at 11:43pm