shadowsXinXdarkness / Comments

  • Aw thank you for the birthday wishes. :) Even if I am a little late in saying so. XD
    August 17th, 2011 at 06:22pm
  • Aww thank you so much for the story comment! :) I'm glad it's your favourite story at the moment - that's one of the best compliments I can receive on a story. <3
    August 4th, 2011 at 03:41am
  • Thanks for the subscription for The Astor Hotel! I've just posted the first chapter. Hope you enjoy it! :)
    August 2nd, 2011 at 03:40am
  • hey been a while
    February 7th, 2011 at 07:44pm
  • Hah, that's the attitude to have! And it's good that your colleagues aren't too bad :) It'd be really hard to motivate yourself to go to work (and even harder to enjoy yourself while you're there!) if they were so good :) Make the most of it :)

    Aww, don't be jealous- I'm sure you'll get your chance soon enough :) And yeah, that was my thinking too about SFA. It's just too emotional! And I don't think we're the only ones to think like that :P Are any of the Nightmare After Christmas tourdates looking any good for you? I suppose, to some extent, it might depend how far you're willing/ able to travel..? I've got my fingers crossed all the same :)

    Ooh, really? Awesome! That's really exciting- good luck with it :D What sort of genre are you thinking about?

    Uni's going pretty well, thanks :) We've started getting some assignments back and my grades are looking pretty good so far so I'm happy about that :)
    Elsewhere though... I guess you could say that bits of Nightmare are seeming more relevant now than they were but we won't dwell on that, here...
    Right not I'm hoping it'll snow here sometime soon :) It's snowed elsewhere over the last few days (including at home which rarely gets home, grrrr!) but frequent checks out of the window are showing are distinct lack of whiteness!

    Take care of yourself,
    November 27th, 2010 at 08:28pm
  • Yeah, I guess that's the main thing... And you're still young, right? Most people go through loads of jobs in their first few years of work so I'm sure you'll come across something eventually that appeals to you more... And in the meantime, just keep reminding yourself you're getting paid for it :) Are the people you work with okay?

    They were so good ^^ I would have liked them to have played more album tracks but they were co-headlining so I can see why they didn't... It was still a good set list though and they put on a good show. Stone Sour were really good too (I only started listening to them a few days before the gig but I'm hooked now :D ) but A7X were the best. And I was lucky that I went to a show where A7X played last because, good as SS were, they're not A7X... And the moshpits were huge! I was standing on the edge of one for most of the night and I swear I got a bit bruised, haha! And yes: I cried during SFA... It really was that emotional, with the backdrop of Jimmy and everyone holding up phones and lighters... It was just amazing.
    So yeah, if you get a chance to see them, seize it! You won't be disappointed. I've got my fingers crossed that they'll be coming your way again soon :)
    How are things?
    November 7th, 2010 at 02:49am
  • Oh dude I'd love to finish that one and I know how I want to finish it, it's just the fact that I lost motivation in it, and it wasn't really being read, but I'll totally try to finish it!!
    October 22nd, 2010 at 08:06pm
  • no problem
    October 19th, 2010 at 05:53am
  • thx! ^_^ yea it was kool lol yea just waitin for an updat lol
    so thx 4 the add & lokkin 4ward 2 da updat ^_^
    October 18th, 2010 at 08:16am
  • Hey, no worries- I'm pretty slow as well :) Ooh, it's awesome that you've got a job now :) And yeah, I guess it takes some getting used to... Are you enjoying it?

    Hehe! Might as well try and do all the things you're interested in... :)

    Yeah, hopefully... And if not something directly related to the subject, I'll have skills from doing the course which will help me out, I guess...

    Erm... It's on the 30th October so still to come :) I actually can't wait, haha, but I think it'll be kinda sad as well... I'm not going to bother with make-up, I don't think, because it'll probably end up running down my face if they play So Far Away!

    Take care,
    October 12th, 2010 at 12:48pm
  • I'm sure you will, you've just got to keep trying and don't give up! :)

    Hehe, I know exactly how that feels! I was trying to focus on one story but have ended up writing for almost everything but that particular one I had in mind... But hey, writing's writing so it's not all bad, right?

    Ooh, right- both sound like they'd be really interesting and fun to do :) Maybe there's a way you could combine them?

    As in, what am I studying? English Language and Linguistics. Not sure what I'll do with it after university, though... Hopefully something ill appeal to me while I'm here... :)

    xxx <3
    September 23rd, 2010 at 12:38pm
  • Yeah, it'll be a lot less hassle to get there- and cheaper :D

    Aww, that sucks :( And it's bad that they didn't call you back. I remember when I was looking for a job a few years ago and I sent out loads of CVs to different places and hardly any of them got back to me. It does nothing for your confidence... I hope you find something soon :)

    Ah, that's great :) Hopefully life won't get in the way and you'll be able to get some stuff written :) My writer's block is still present for the story I was focusing on when I sent that last message but has faded a bit for another one so I'm writing for that instead :D

    Yeah, that's probably a good idea :) Work out what you want to do and save up for it, then it'll be a bit less... risky, I guess. It's not the best time right now to go throwing yourself into things that cost a lot... Photography sounds good though :) Do you know what you want to do after college?

    It's a little-known uni in London. I'm kind of nervous about moving there... I live in a city anyway but London's so much bigger! Haha, I can see myself getting lost all the time :P

    September 9th, 2010 at 10:40pm
  • gah oh dear. Well, you know what, just for you after Ang and I finish writing this new story we have, it's only got two more chapters, I will tell her we will have to update LS.
    September 7th, 2010 at 05:23am
  • nothing, working on updates ><
    September 7th, 2010 at 04:04am
  • LORI!
    September 7th, 2010 at 01:56am
  • Now it's my turn to apolgise for taking ages to reply! Hehe, sorry...
    Oh, yeah, I know what you mean... The timing on money issue sucks big time :( I really do hope you get to see them- they really are a very good live band (and I hear their live show in the States is more elaborate than it is here so that'll be even better :) )
    Having said all that about travelling to see them, I found out a few weeks ago that I'll actually be in London (where the gig is) at the time of the gig because I'll be at uni there so I'll only have to travel 10 minutes on the bus rather than 2-3 hours :D I'm glad I got tickets for that show and not another one :P

    Yeah, I hear job hunting right now is terrible... When I was doing it a couple of years ago it was bad but it must be so much worse now. Have you found anything or had any luck?
    Aww, no! Not writer's block... :( I know how you feel; it's so debilitating! I'm currently stuck on one of my stories too so here's to us both getting out of that rut :D
    I've not been upto a whole lot either 'cause I've been bogged down with sorting out my place at uni but it's all done now (I think!) so, between working, I'm trying to get back to writing a bit more before I start in a few weeks time. Are you still at school?
    Take care,
    August 29th, 2010 at 10:31pm
  • Hehe, no worries- I usually take weeks to reply to things so don't hurry yourself :)

    Yeah, I can go with that :D Both are plausible...

    Yeah, exactly :) I was watching their acceptance of the MTV award from 2006 (?) earlier and the way they hug eachother first before even going down to the stage is a great example of that. And I yhink that honesty and openness is why their fans are so devoted. It's something you can relate to and trust which is always nice when so many others try to deceive you...

    Aww, that's a real shame... But seeing the other guys would be better than not at all, right? Hopefully they'll stick around so you get the chance :) Thank you :) Good for you :) It kinda annoys me when people always complain about having to travel. I always have to go about an hour away to see bands 'cause they rarely come near me. And if you like a band that much, it's kinda good to show your appreciation for them by going that extra mile (no pun intended :P )

    What've you been up to this past week?
    August 18th, 2010 at 10:37pm
  • And they manage to pull off most of what they try so you know you're unlikely to be disappointed :)

    Haha! And that they get away with those vocals again proves that point up there ^ Or maybe we're just devoted fans who'll let them get away with anything, haha.

    After- what?- 18 years, you wouldn't really expect anything less of those guys :) It's cool, 'cause bands always say they're best of friends but with A7X you know it's true and that there's no exageration.

    Aww, that's a shame :( Hopefully they'll carry on after this tour, then, so that, if nothing else, you'll at least have another chance to see them :) Have you seen them before? Yeah, I'm seeing them in London. It's miles away but they're only doing one other date which is closer to me and the dates not so good... For them, though, I don't mind travelling :)

    August 12th, 2010 at 11:23am
  • Yeah, and it's also nice to not know what they're gonna come up with next. I mean, even if you really liked the last album, it's nice to know that the next one isn't going to be a mirror copy like with a lot of bands... And their influences are so wide, they've got a lot to draw on.

    Haha, cool! It's fate :P It's not even that they're not good vocals or anything, they're just a bit... I dunno... I kind of feel that for such a personal album, those vocals add a less personal element because the girl is obviously not a part of the band or what they've been through. It's something they've done before but on this record it just seems a bit out of place to me... I dunno, maybe I'm just weird... They don't detract from the emotion of the song though so it's all good :)

    You've hit the nail right on the head there... That's exactly why it's so hard- there's nothing left to come now so it's kinda like losing him all over again... Even though he won't be there in person for anything they may do in the future, though, I kind of like to think that they know him well enough that he'll have an influence and come through in what they write. To some extent I think any future records would sound as though he'd had some impact on them... :)
    Yeah, I know! Or if those vocals hadn't been clean enough to use or whatever... Though if he hadn't been writing the album with them, there probably wouldn't be an album or band at all... Band and fans alike are so lucky that most of the album had already been written :)

    Are you seeing them on any of their tour dates?

    August 7th, 2010 at 12:14pm
  • Yeah, I couldn't agree more- their ability to change all the time is what makes them different from most other bands and what makes them interesting. And if they'd stayed making the same stuff they started with, we'd never have Beast and the Harlot or A Little Piece of Heaven or any of those songs that we've all come to know and love... And they're still young. If they stick with it, there's so much more room for them to continue to grow. I find that quite exciting!
    And they definitely classify as a great band- I mean, look how much their fanbase and success have grown as they've matured... :)

    Haha, same! Though I'd also put Victim in there too. I really love the lyrics of that one and the story it tells. Still not so sure about the female vocals at the start but, again, they're growing on me... Did you find it hard to here Jimmy's vocals?

    August 5th, 2010 at 10:45pm