i would stay awake just to hear you breathing

1 question . 1 honest answer. You can ask me 1 question (TO MY INBOX) about anything, no matter how crazy, dirty, publicly indecent, embarrassing or wrong it is. No catch, I will answer, but I dare you to post this on your profile and see what people ask you... My name is Caitlyn Nicholson. I'm from Tennessee. I'm a My Chem junkie. I don't believe the guys do eachother or are in love with eachother... but i enjoy reading Frerards and Frikeys and other parings. I am in love with Mikey Way. yes i know that one of my stories has me with Frank well i wrote that chapter before i liked Mikey. I might put some people in my story if they give me some stuff to write their dialog with. I am also in love with Ashley Purdy from BVB. :) He's sexy!!! And I would love for you guys to comment on my stories and give me ideas for chapters and P.M me if u wanna be a character.

(\_/) (x.x) (>