Dear readers:

Feeling: BoredListening to: Loveline<3Wanting: A donut. yum...Don't be mad at me. I won't be updating until I get a beta though. My stories supposedly have a lot of mistakes that I don't notice. So if you want any you can help me get one faster. If you do find me someone to be my beta I'll write you a one-shot and a story of any guy in a band I know enough to write about. (:On a other note, I'm...
February 25th, 2009 at 07:21am

Attention EIN & WIPSBTM readers!

I understand I haven't been writing my stories for awhile but I haven't been home a lot and right now I don't feel good at all. I already know the direction I want to go with EIN. I still have to thing about my Nick Jonas story though. If you have any suggestions for it you can PM me. back to me being sick though I've had a sore throat for a couple of days and I can't really walk or stand without...
July 16th, 2008 at 12:31pm