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But I don't know how to do that
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My name is Grace Elizabeth Mary *insert last name* . I prefer Grace, but I don't particularly care what you call me, as long as it's my name or part of it! I'm a seventeen year old aspiring to be a physical therapist/nurse/sports medicine expert/the list goes on (haven't figured that part out yet...) for a professional sports team. Oh, and I adore writing; I have since I was a little kid, but it's weird to start actually sharing it with others. Be patient, if I'm a little slow to update something, I might just be nervous about it or perfecting it. I love all sports but I like watching hockey the most(I bleed Orange and Black). Soccer is my favorite sport to play. My favorite colors are purple, blue, and green. I like all types of music but I really enjoy alternative/indie. I like long walks on the beach and romantic candle-light dinners and blah blah blah... Yeah, I'm bored hearing about myself too. Any questions? Just comment or message me, I'd love to hear from you.