Suicide Letter to the Love of Her Life

Dear Love,Do you ever feel like it's time to give up but there's always something holding you back? It's like you're tired of sitting here and complaining waiting for someone to come and save you but no one comes. It's like you're screaming in a crowded room and no one dares to look up at you. but something that you can't put your finger on seems to keep you fighting...fighting for what? That's...
December 1st, 2012 at 12:17am

I love him.

He is nice and sweet, but still someone you can joke around with, his sense of humor is great, and he genuinely cares about everyone which balances out how careless and rude I am...I love how, no matter how down you feel, or how horrible you feel about yourself, he can always make you feel better, even with just a smile, he can brighten up your day. He can make you feel loved. And speaking of his...
November 7th, 2012 at 09:43pm

Self-Harm and Music

I really struggled with my Self-Harm I did it for 7 years. I felt like nothing and Music really got through to me. and I don't know why, but this song called "Scarlet" from Brooke Fraser really helped me. It made me feel free, that is why music is so important to me. So I thought I would share it with you guys, I put a video on Youtube of me singing the song on my piano, if you want to check it...
April 3rd, 2012 at 09:26pm

Air Force!

So I am so excited to go into this awesome program CAP which stands for Civil Air Patrol! Its for the Air Force and on Monday I get to turn in my paperwork and am half-way there to becoming a Cadet! I have always wanted to have a career in planes..probably because I have never been in one in my whole life. And it's either becoming a passenger pilot probably just flying cargo planes and stuff...or...
January 20th, 2012 at 09:03pm