About me
My name is Olivia(: I love fan fiction, they're so much fun to write and read. Although I haven't wrote anything in a while, I am still reading some of the fanfiction on this website. The only difference was before, I only read Naruto. Now that I kinda grew out of Naruto, I'm reading more fandoms. :) I have a new interest in band fandoms, which is like fan fiction for bands. I love reading My Chemical Romance Fan Fiction, Frerard in particular, because their love is so real. Here's the thing with Love Coach. I grew out of Naruto, so now, I have NO idea how to finish the story. I promise I will finish it, I just don't feel like finishing it now. Writers Block, and just a loss of interest of the fandom is a really bad combination of not updating... I hope you guys understand, but there's more to life then just Fanfiction. I am a poet :) I love writing poetry, I find it so much fun. You can read most of my poems on Quizilla, look up Mcol207. ^_^ So, I don't know what else to put, this is probably like the shortest profile ever, but I hate it when people's profiles are so long, I'm just going to keep it short and sweet. :)

Quantum of Memory
Active: Yes

The Match Maker Sent From Heaven,
Chapters:1 Active: Yes