What happens when you're male and walk through a group of girls? Kasper knows.

You get your penis grabbed, that's what. Oh yes, Mibba, suggestive looks, wolf whistles and eye contact is not enough when it comes to the general female public I don't know.No, they like to grope your soldier.Well I find that inappropriate. Unless I fancy you, in which case it's all then because y'know .. obvious reasons should occur there.Either way, I didn't approve tonight. Especially seeing...
November 25th, 2011 at 09:09pm

A Mibba Progressive Report inc. Questions

Having being a member of Mibba for near 24 hours I must applaud my dedication. Never before have I settled for so long on a website without contemplating my removal. Such populars like Facebook, Tumblr, Weheartit, LiveJournal, have all caught my momentary attention, though were swiftly removed. That's not to say I am too fanciful for such attires, more the matter of me having dedication...
November 25th, 2011 at 12:14pm

Something worthwhile from the new child on the block.

Is making a journal about how you're a Newb worthwhile enough? Or do I need to include an erratic rant on politcal importance and current events? Either way, that wouldn't be happening so let's float our boats elsewhere.Hi Mibba. I'm Kasper. I'm 16 and I found you via LiveJournal - how cool am I? Not very you say. For the last few hours I've been tampering with the profile controls, failing over...
November 24th, 2011 at 07:41pm