Beer, beer, beer...

Beer of all sorts is one of America's great ones!Lager, Stout, Ale, they are all the same classification of beer but various flavors, colors, tastes, textures, consistencies, and aromas. Its incredible on how they brew this stuff and well its delicious.Yet of course not many have the taste buds to handle the Hop bitterness!Beer is an acquired taste and is not for those who seek intoxication or...
November 30th, 2011 at 07:01am

Tell me i'm not crazy!!!

Donkeys ride unicorns to battle for Narnia, when the Beatles try to take over the world with hairspray and fluffy sweaters. They all collide creating a massive explosion resulting in something called Necrophilia that spawns a new universe within a universe of perverse mongrel beings who use the words ,"Fuck you" as a greeting and give cancerous dinners to their guests while their pregnant wives...
November 28th, 2011 at 08:22am