Crammed and Jammed

I've been terrible about keeping up. But school and other things have been unfairly consuming. I've not forgotten Mibba, and wish to continue uploading documents up here, but I just haven't the time right now. I have another month or so where things will be awfully hectic, but afterward life should let me breathe a little.I try to revise things before I add them up here. Sometimes when I first...
January 15th, 2010 at 07:54am

Updates...Part II

Greetings...Life has been so crazy, so I've not been putting things up like I should be...I know :(Part three of in I.A. Trilogy is very slow-going. I know what my plans are, but I'm lackluster in terms of execution. Sorry about that. I'm going unofficial hiatus for that.On another note, I think I'm going to post another normal (anti-fantasy) story soon. It will also be...
April 12th, 2008 at 06:23pm


Hey guys!Thanks for the comments. I do feel better about my situation now. :)However, because of this, I won't be updating any more; at least not until I finish re-editing everything. I've been working really hard at it almost all day today...but I still only got ten chapters done. So..this could take the rest of the weekend, if not longer. I never like going on hiatuses for my stories, but I'm...
January 19th, 2008 at 06:00am


So, I logged into my account this morning, only to find out that MY STORY HAS BEEN SUSPENDED.I freaked out, naturally. I looked at all the message boards regarding the issue, finding out that it really isn't as big as a deal as I'd thought.However, I am really new to Mibba. And I had no idea that so many rules about spacing and punctuation applied. It's quite frustrating. I mean, my story is over...
January 18th, 2008 at 07:02pm