wowlikewoah / Comments

  • Okay, first of all: yes, that was your cameo! I hope you liked it :)

    Second of all - You. Are. Amazing.

    Seriously though, you leave the best reviews ever! I was grinning crazily as I was reading it, so thank you!!!

    I'm really glad that you loved the story and that the loops I threw weren't too out there! I actually had the end all planned from the very start, so I knew all the little scenarios and details I had to fit in throughout the story. Everything really came together, I think!

    I really don't think I'm good enough to write for movies or anything, but those compliments never get old! Way to boost my ego, haha! I hope to be writing some more soon - I have a few ideas for different stories that I'm tossing around, though I don't have any full plots yet and I try not to start something until I do.

    I do plan on writing a Niall companion piece to SLY, though, and hopefully will have that up in the next few weeks. It will basically be a few chapters of this story, but written from Niall's POV - nothing too intense but enough to help clear something things up.

    Thank you again for being such an amazing reviewer! You're the best!

    July 21st, 2012 at 06:18am
  • It really is like you read my mind because that's exactly how Tucker and Olivia's relationship is! You're too good :) thankfully Olivia and Harry will be reunited soon
    July 6th, 2012 at 03:57am
  • Okay so you leave the most amazing comments in the world! You do not know how much I look forward to getting them!

    I feel like you know this story better than I do haha but honestly you're my favorite commenter and thank you so much for reading! :) :)
    July 3rd, 2012 at 03:28am

    Sorry, but I did! You leave the most amazing comments!!!!!

    Anyway, now that I have that out of my system - I'm very happy about the Louis/JJ bonding moment as well. I really, really wish I had a brother like that! And yes, the end of Jarry is sad, but it wasn't a huge blow up and won't affect their relationship too much in the end. I went over the JJ/Harry/Emma (Jarma?) part multiple times when I was writing this and trying to make it as realistic/believable as possible, so I really appreciate your feedback on it. Very Happy

    Yes, only two more official chapters to go - neither of which have been started yet, though they are outlined - which is pretty sad, but it had to come to an end at some point. I'm hoping to update by next week sometime, though I don't have a lot of time at the moment. Thank you again for the amazing feedback and I'm so glad you're enjoying it!!!

    PS - You are very perceptive Wink
    June 29th, 2012 at 07:36pm
  • I love Sparks so much! My absolute favorite Coldplay song :) And yeah I'd be folding under the Styles charm in a heartbeat, ugh. Thank you so much for reading and commenting :)
    June 26th, 2012 at 07:50pm
  • I'm the same way with my fics. I know my friends love (generally) the same music/movies/books/etc that I do and would probably really enjoy a lot of the fanfics I read, but they tend to be a little judgmental about these things, sadly. But, their loss!

    I think I'll be able to work out a character for you in the story...not sure when it will be though. Keep your eye out! And I am BEYOND jealous you're going to see Ed in September. I haven't been to a good show in ages and am deep withdrawal. I know you'll have a brilliant time though Mr. Green
    June 20th, 2012 at 03:46am
  • I'm pretty sure I don't get tired of it, haha - not because I'm arrogant or anything but because it really is encouraging to hear. I don't really share my writing with anyone I know personally, so these semi-anonymous comments are all I get! And I don't know if you get tired of hearing it, but I really appreciate all the feed back!

    This was actually the second chapter (other than the prologue and it's continuation) I had written for the story, so it is probably one of my favorites as well, though I've gone over it a few times making changes. I'm glad that it is going over so well! Very Happy

    And yay! Louis and JJ are back to being besties! All it takes is a near death experience, I suppose. But (spoiler alert!) nothing is really resolved between them, which may or may not cause problems later. For now, though, all is well.

    Ed Sheeran is the correct answer, though you were the second person to guess that. I'll see if I can find a character to name after you though, since you've been such an awesome reviewer! I supposed it was a semi-easy guess, since he is becoming so popular, especially among One Direction fans. But, when I played the song for my friends they were all 'oh muy gawd guise, is dat new Jack Johnson?!?" and I felt like banging my head against a wall. So, I'm thrilled that people got the correct answer haha.

    And now I'm rambling. Sorry.

    June 19th, 2012 at 11:53pm
  • Aw thank you!! I'm glad you liked it and I hope you like the other stuff I am planning :)))
    June 18th, 2012 at 02:30pm
  • Hahahaha oh my gosh, that was my favorite comment ever! Harvia is great! Thank you so much for reading :)
    June 17th, 2012 at 11:55pm
  • There are a few things I want to address, so I'm going to make a list"

    1. MASSIVE THANK YOU for all your amazing comments - they make my day!!

    2. I apologize for playing with your emotions. Louis is being a jerk and (while I hate writing him that way) he will be that way for at least the next two to three chapters.

    3. You've really kind of hit the nail on the head when it comes to Harry and JJ's relationship. A friend's with benefits thing is not what she is looking for, even it if it with Harry Styles.

    4. I'm thrilled that you like JJ so much and I'm the same way about her - I want her just to run off into the sunset with some hot piece of man (which, let's face it, I could have her do) right now and leave all this drama behind. Alas, she needs to work through it all, stay on tour, and continue being her wonderfully erratic self.

    5. Very Happy You remembered the voicemail. Good catch, you get a gold star! That will be important later on, so keep it in the back of your mind. There are a few little details like that strewn throughout these chapters which will come back and mean something towards the end.

    6. SPOILER ALERT: From the next couple of chapters: JJ should have eaten the Thai food, Zayn sleeps on a boat, Niall plays the hero, Liam does a Twitcam, Louis finally loosens up, Harry dances, and Eleanor goes home, but not before issuing a warning.

    Thank you again for being so amazing!
    June 17th, 2012 at 04:04pm
  • Thanks for the comment on Captivated! I'm glad you like it :))
    June 16th, 2012 at 01:05am
  • Your comments are the best! I definitely wanted to do something a little out of the ordinary - too many cliches can be rather boring. And yes, Lou is being a bit of a prat - we'll find out why in the next chapter. I hope to have it up by the end of the week. Thanks again for the always amazing comments! xx
    June 11th, 2012 at 05:37am
  • Lou definitely melted my black heart while writing this. And Ben, it's kind of hard not to like him, isn't it? Haha.
    June 8th, 2012 at 03:45pm
  • I love your epic comments!!!

    And I'm so glad you enjoyed the last two chapters - I definitely had fun writing them. And I definitely had some trouble picking the ultimate pairing for this (since I love JJ with all of them, pretty much), but I think what I have planned will make most (if not all) happy Cool

    Thank you again!
    June 1st, 2012 at 05:23am
  • Ah! Thank you so much for the amazing comment!!! I really appreciate it! I'm definitely trying to make this story as real to life as possible - including the not so fun aspects of the boys' fame - although with some more recent developments it is making things a bit more difficult (there are certain topics that I will NOT be writing into the story). And as for the main pairing...I started off with one particular ship in mind, but that has changed a few times now as the story has gone on. It's just so hard to pick a favorite 1D lad!

    Thank you again!!!
    May 31st, 2012 at 12:03am
  • I love book length comments! They are my favorite. It would have been too easy (and lazy) to have Calla just forgive Lou. I'm quite the fan of all the drama.
    May 25th, 2012 at 03:46pm
  • thank you so much for your comment, it means a lot that you like it especially while i'm sitting here currently writing the first chapter of the sequel haha! <3
    May 25th, 2012 at 04:22am
  • Oh gosh, don't worry about it! Everyone makes mistakes.
    May 15th, 2012 at 04:19am
  • Who is her brother... I don't know. Okay, maybe I know! Thanks for the comment.
    May 15th, 2012 at 04:10am
  • Thank you for the comment! <3
    May 8th, 2012 at 05:11pm