Anxiety and it's levels of loveliness

If asked, many people can’t tell you what an anxiety disorder actually is. Some think it’s just being scared for inevitable occurrences, but honestly its so much more than that. It’s a feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that tells you that what you’re about to embark on can either be good or bad. It’s a gut wrenching ache that makes your body shiver and your lungs lack the breath...
December 19th, 2011 at 04:28pm

Grave's Disease

Wikipedia states that: Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease where the thyroid is overactive, producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormones (a serious metabolic imbalance known as hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis).Well my definition of it is a rare disease that comes to a teenage girl randomly, with no family history available to base her diagnosis on, and making her life a positive...
December 17th, 2011 at 12:45am

Hello God, It's me Magaret

Sometimes I sit and wonder if I'm the only one out there created te same way. Meaning to have the same thought processes and te same emotional turns I have about fifty million times a day. I wonder I'd god purposely made me alone to taunt myself every time I needed someone to understand me and talk to me about my problems. I just wonder.In all honesty I'm to hard to explain.I over think just about...
December 16th, 2011 at 06:03am

My life and it's details

Ive been contemplating commuting suicide for the last two months. Most times I just Chicken out and find some meaningless reason as to why I shouldn't do it. Fuck that.My father only made my life ten times worse this morning by telling me he was done with my shit and that he wasn't going to argue with me anymore. Thanks dad.But parents don't really get the jist of what it's like these days to be a...
December 13th, 2011 at 02:52pm