freshman orientation.

was absolute hell.let me explain to you how my peachy night went.for the first part of the night, how shocking is it that i sat alone in the theater room while we listened to silvertones and band until my friend justing finally found me.the second was pretty silly, i had to sit there and watch the prissy cheerleaders stare me down as the did their dutchmans and backhand springs....
August 29th, 2008 at 04:54am

Mommy let me drive:)

mwahahahhahahahaha!let me remind you i'm only 13.and she let me drive all the way across town.hahahahahahahahahahaha!
July 24th, 2007 at 11:26am


I'm like really pissed right now because their is this kidand i've become good friends with himand he's really gorgeous and i actually like himand then every slut in my school finds him on my friend listand decides to throw themselves at him like he hasn't seen a girl his entire life and they want to fix thati wish i could slit those little whores throats...
May 25th, 2007 at 02:41am

I cut it all off.

I cut all my hair off.I kinda look like Molly Grimfield from "The Breakfast Club."I saw that movie like 80 times.I didn't even think I was going to cut my hair today.But i did.
May 14th, 2007 at 03:46am


my teacher passed out in class.and she is in the least i get some more time to do my sorry but i don't feel sorry for people.i have no feelings.
May 11th, 2007 at 09:53pm


Well I learned how to use a lawnmower.I am now completeley terrified of it.It's all loud and stuff and it gave me a major headache!I have LAWNMOWER PHOBIA.Go ahead make fun of me all you want but its scary.
May 8th, 2007 at 01:34am

Oh M Gee

I'm pretty fuckin pissed at the moment.I came home late and missed dinner.I missed my dad's phone call.My sister is having a spazz attack at me because I wasn't home.She is flippen out at me because I forgot my phone to go hang out with my friends.And my mum is mad because I missed the 10 minute dinner I was going to have with her before she had to run to another of my little sisters softball...
May 5th, 2007 at 02:18am