After a Long, Long Time... (Regarding Old Friends and Fics)

I want to say hi, to all my wonderful mibba friends. It's been so very long, and I have missed this place and the people that I connected with here more than I can describe. When I first joined mibba, I was a shy and anxiety prone thirteen year old. Ten years later, I'm still much the same, but more content than I have been, well, ever. And in thinking of this, I remember what a comfort it was to...
December 4th, 2016 at 10:44pm

NaNoWriMo... I just passed 40,000 words!

Guys I'm so happy. I'm going to win NaNoWriMo. I'm not even being cocky, I just feel so accomplished. It's inevitable. I haven't come this close to winning since 2009.I'm here chilling while I take a break. I'll probably play a little COD Ghosts after I post this as a reward... DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT'S BEEN FOR ME TO NEGLECT MY PS4 SINCE IT CAME OUT? IT'S BEEN REALLY HARD. But I did it because...
November 19th, 2013 at 03:50am

How's NaNoWriMo going for you?

Are you panicking?I panicked. I still am, but I feel a little more confident now. For real—you should have seen me on Halloween when I slept at my friend’s house and we made a night out of NaNo preparation (well, she isn’t participating, but she plotted with me.) I lost it so much I had an asthma attack and nearly offed myself over the very thought of starting my novel.I’m sure you’re...
November 5th, 2013 at 11:30pm

I'm Going to Have Dinner With Charlie Hunnam Next Month

Okay, I want to start this off by saying that my sister, Kelly, is the SOA fan in the family. She loves, loves, loves the show. Next month there's going to be a charity event at a Harley Davidson dealer in the city. It's just going to be him and there will of course be the dinner, a live band, and you get pictures with him plus three things signed by him. The tickets were sold out straight away...
October 24th, 2013 at 09:04pm

Story updates, Disney movies, and Grand Theft Auto... oh, any story recs?

Figured I'd give you guys a quick update since I've been sick with a cold for over a week now. As much as I've tried I haven't been able to get any decent amount of words in... at least none for Mercy :/ This chapter I'm working on is a doozy, too, so I need to take it slow and make sure I do it right haha. I finally have a solid outline for it and I will start up on it again tonight. If it's not...
September 29th, 2013 at 12:57am

Regarding Mercy's All That You Need (Good News!)

Um. So. Mercy.Right now I imagine a virtual chorus of what? Who? when my old readers and maybe other mibbians read the title of this thing. I don’t blame you. For a long time life took me away and I left off writing fan fiction for probably months. I focused on my original novels and this past June I finally completed Spreading Roots (which I still have yet to post.) I started to become super...
September 9th, 2013 at 11:24pm

Writing in full swing. Camp NaNoWriMo? A couple of writing tips, too.

Hey everyone! I figured I would give you guys an update as far as my writing goes. It's the middle of the summer and I've been spending a lot of it inside writing. Isn't that great? I haven't written this much in years. It just feels good.I finished Spreading Roots (finally) and it rang in at just over 50,000 words. In August I will begin the second draft, and as soon as I have that finished I...
July 6th, 2013 at 05:17am

My last semester

Do you guys know how utterly happy I am to write that title? It's my last semester for the year. I'm only taking two courses—albeit in a shorter, accelerated semester so I've got about four months of work crammed into one and a half—but two courses.And then I will have the summer off.Good god, I am the happiest camper to ever walk the virtual school-attending plains.Even if it’s for a...
May 10th, 2013 at 04:00pm

Very first blog, looking for NaNo buddies, midterms suck, and a new puppy :)

Hiya guys!I'm sure there aren't a whole lot of people that know me on here as I haven't been too active lately. I used to be Suhweet Tooth and then I switched to Dandelion when New Mibba came about as a fresh start sort of thing. But yeah. I'm Barnabas Collins for Halloween 'cause Dark Shadows is awesome... 'nuff said, haha.As sort of a way to get back into Mibba and all of its awesomeness, I...
October 24th, 2012 at 09:43pm