What do you think??

WARNING IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT, THERE MAY BE SPOILERS BELOW!Soooo.... who else just watched the season finale of The Walking Dead?? I am obsessed with that show! I don't like where next season is going... Do anyone who has read the comic book know who the girl that saved Andrea is? The only thing I know is that she has the walkers with her to keep the others walkers away. And does anyone see how...
March 19th, 2012 at 03:19am

The Boys of Fall :: #64

Our school has been hit really hard you guys. :( A boy at our school died in a wreck... He was such a nice person and I wanted to ask if you guys would pray for the family, friends, and our school. His jersey number was 64 and at our school we are writing his number on our hands and wearing blue ribbons (our school color). Would you please do this too? Only the good die young :( He was only in the...
February 11th, 2012 at 04:46pm

Worst Christmas?

Aren't we supposed to forget our past and move on? What if other people keep holding onto yours and keep bringing it up? It hurts if it's something you have been trying to opress or forget. Its almost impossible. My family makes it impossible. I was stupid and made a mistake. They will never let me forget it. Anytime we have a family thing, someone brings it up. They laugh and it hurts but they...
December 25th, 2011 at 10:27pm

...So My Best Friend Hates Me Now...

My best friend's great uncle passed away Friday and they had a family thing Saturday for his wife. I used to have a crush on my friend's cousin and he was there with his brother. The funny thing is that his brother likes my sister....? My friend, who we will call "Dawn", asked the guy I liked, who we will call "Kris", if he liked me. Kris asked if I liked him and Dawn said yes. Then she asked him...
December 12th, 2011 at 11:08pm