Alive yet Already Dead

I know for a fact that I'm living but I feel dead. Stuck in a simi hell some would say. At the moment the theme songs of my life is "Home" & "Let You Down" by the wonderful and amazing band, Three Days Grace.And thats not a good thing. As I move through each day, I care less and less about things I use to love. Sometimes, afterI have agruement with my mom my mother is done with yelling and...
December 31st, 2011 at 04:30am

My depression

When I elementary school I used to be able to go anyone, and just talk to them carefree. I would tell a person I barely knew about my dreams, passions, likes and dislikes. I was just a happy little girl. When people teased me about the way I talked, or look it just bounce off. Nothing bothered me.Than I started middle school my relationship with my mother worsen and worsen each and every day. She...
December 12th, 2011 at 12:09am